Annual Meeting, June , Istanbul, Turkey WP1: Data collection and metadata compilation in sea regions: current status EMODnet Chemistry Partner contribution: OGS
Annual Meeting, June , Istanbul, Turkey General overview of the partner contribution: Current status SeawaterSedimentBiota Number of CDIs at beginning: Number of CDIs at year 1: Number of CDIs at year 2: 4913 Spatial distribution:
Annual Meeting, June , Istanbul, Turkey Total number of stations per parameter group per matrix: GroupSeawaterSedimentBiota Fertilizers 96 Silicates Organic matter 874 Chlorophyll Partial pressure dissolved gases 2921 Acidity 1004 Pesticides and biocides Antifoulants Pharmaceuticals Heavy metals 4913 Hydrocarbons 4913 Radionuclides Plastics Current status
Annual Meeting, June , Istanbul, Turkey Data quality control performed by the data center: Type of QC: SeawaterSedimentBiotaNotes: Position check Date checkYes Missing valueYes Range checkYes SpikeYes Pre-existing statistics Yes Visualization and manual checks by originator Yes Others: Notes Not on contamina nts ….
Annual Meeting, June , Istanbul, Turkey Difficulties encountered: Data < detection limits and varying detection limits Proposed solutions: QF 6 and value of the detection limit P01 missing, eg. in sediment or PCB congenera P01 request according to list of priority substances following the call requirements (EU Dir. 2013/39/EU) Difficulties in finding P01 from P02 MTSDMetal concentrations in sediment: deprecated term CDAFWC01Concentration of cadmium {Cd} per unit volume of the water body [dissolved plus reactive particulate (MTWDDissolved metal concentrations in the water column) CDUFWC02Concentration of cadmium {Cd} per unit volume of the water body [dissolved plus reactive particulate phase] (MTWTTotal metal concentrations in water bodies) Sometimes Preferred labels coincide (this can create confusion) MCRSP012Concentration of chromium {Cr} per unit dry weight of sediment Sed_CrConcentration of elemental chromium per unit mass of dry sediment
Total number of stations per parameter group per matrix: Annual Meeting, June , Istanbul, Turkey GroupSeawaterSedimentBiota Fertilizers 48 Silicates 48 Organic matter 48 Chlorophyll 54 Partial pressure dissolved gases 48 Acidity 48 Pesticides and biocides Antifoulants Pharmaceuticals Heavy metals Hydrocarbons Radionuclides Plastics Planning for the last year