Improving Literacy Centers to Promote Reading Growth March 17, 2015 Stacey Smith, NBCT Reedy Creek Elementary School, Wake County Schools A Race to the Top Initiative NC Department of Public Instruction Educator Effectiveness Division
Norms for Participation Please: Minimize outside distractions. Be attentive and participate in activities. Share your ideas with colleagues.
Learning Outcomes Learn about new method of professional development Learn how action research is used in the classroom Learn strategies to aid in center development to increase reading accuracy and fluency
Tracking Our Time How will I keep track of the time?
What is the Governor’s Teacher Network? A talented group of 450 teachers were selected from 1400 applicants for Teachers identify instructional needs, create innovative digital instructional resources and design professional development to support key Race to the Top initiatives in Home Base. Network Teachers continue their current educator roles in their schools and districts and serve in one of two pathways.
What is the Governor’s Teacher Network? Pathway 1 Teachers: Professional Development Identify problems of practice around instructional needs and conduct action research projects in their schools. Investigate and analyze the effectiveness of strategies and practices on student learning. Create professional development sessions and materials to be posted in Schoolnet and the Professional Development System in Home Base.
Action Research Systematic inquiry conducted by teachers and other educators to find solutions for critical, challenging, relevant issues in their classrooms and schools. Mills, Geoffrey E, Action Research: A Guide for the Teacher Researcher, 2014
What is Action Research? Classroom and school research conducted by teachers to: Positively impact student outcomes Identify and promote effective instructional practices Create opportunities for teachers to become reflective practitioners Share research results with other educators Mills, Geoffrey E, Action Research: A Guide for the Teacher Researcher, 2014
What Do You Do? Access web browser Enter game pin: Enter a nickname
Mrs. Smith’s Action Research Plan Purpose: Evaluate the implementation of literacy centers (along with guided reading) in order to promote a higher level of measurable growth in reading accuracy and fluency.
Scope of Work Problem: Are literacy centers beneficial in promoting reading growth specifically in the area of accuracy and fluency? Are they the best use of time? Why: Reading accuracy and fluency directly impacts on-grade level reading Benefits: Students who are struggling with reading accuracy and/or fluency
Assessment Mclass Reading 3D NWF MOY BOY Mclass Reading 3D Progress Monitoring DORF
Classroom Set-Up Use assessment to group children within the class. Five centers based on Daily 5: (read to self, read with a partner, listening, word work, writing) 90 minutes ELA Block (45-50 minutes spent in a dailies/centers each day)
What Types of Activities were Used Read to Self Books heavy in CVC words Practice reading: CVC words Sight words Phrases
What Types of Activities were Used Read with a Partner Books heavy in CVC Words Plays for 2 Roll Twenty (warm up) Bang (warm up)
What Types of Activities were Used Listening Pebblego National Geographic Young Explorers National Geographic Young Explorers
What Types of Activities were Used Word Work Magnetic Words Stamp Words String Words Ghost Words Rainbow Write Games
What Types of Activities were Used Work on Writing Writing Folders Free Writing Sticker Story Word Wall/Letterland Words Writing Activities
What Does Our Data Show? NWF DataMOY DORF Students BOY CLS 27 WWR: 1 PM MOY CLS 43 WWR: 8 Accuracy Goal: 78% Fluency Goal: 23 Student 1 CLS %35 WWR00478 Student 2 CLS %38 WWR Student 3 CLS %46 WWR00747 Student 4 CLS %62 WWR Student 5 CLS %41 WWR
What This Means All students improved in NWF CLS (correct letter sounds) All students improved in NWF WWR (whole words read) 4/5 students met NWY MOY Goal All students met MOY DORF Fluency goal All students met MOY DORF accuracy goal All students began as yellow DIBELS composite (one was red) and all ended as green DIBELS composite
Activity Group by school Answer the following question: What are the other kids doing at your school while teacher’s meet with small groups? Create chart (feel free to beg, borrow, steal other’s ideas at end)
Conclusion of Presentation Thank you for your participation! Contact Information: Name: Stacey Smith School/District: Reedy Creek Elementary/Wake County Schools Phone: (828)
References Literacy Centers to Work: A Novice Teacher utilizes Literacy centers to Improve Reading Instruction Improving Kindergarten Students’ Knowledge by Enhancing Engagement in Literacy Centers Improving Kindergarten Students’ Knowledge by Enhancing Engagement in Literacy Centers Literacy Centers in the Elementary Classroom Differentiated Instruction to Support Literacy in the Primary Grades Differentiated Instruction to Support Literacy in the Primary Grades