Introduction TaskProcessLinksAdviceAssessEnd T The New Food Guide Pyramid By Cindy Zirnheld
Introduction TaskProcess Links AdviceAssessEnd TIntroduction Welcome to the NEW Food Guide Pyramid. Did you know that the Food Guide Pyramid has changed? Find out what’s different and what’s the same. Is your Food Guide Pyramid the same as your parents? Find out in this powerquest.
Introduction TaskProcess Links AdviceAssessEnd TTask Your task will be to visit websites and gather information on the new food guide pyramid. With the information you gather, you will be constructing an individualized food guide pyramid.
Introduction TaskProcess Links AdviceAssessEnd TProcess Step One: 1.Read the My Pyramid page (page 1) in your packet.
Introduction TaskProcess Links AdviceAssessEnd TProcess Step Two: 1. Visit the My Pyramid website on the links page. 2. Enter your age, sex, and physical activity in the My Pyramid Plan box activity in the My Pyramid Plan box located in the upper right hand corner located in the upper right hand corner of the page. Click submit. of the page. Click submit. 3. Read the My Pyramid Plan page that pops up. pops up. 4. Click on the first arrow under the pyramid picture. Print out the page that pops up. Read picture. Print out the page that pops up. Read through your page and keep it for further use. through your page and keep it for further use.
Introduction TaskProcess Links AdviceAssessEnd TProcess Step Three: 1. Go back to the home page of the My Pyramid website. 2.Click on Inside the Pyramid in the blue box on the left hand side of the page. 3.Click on each part of the pyramid to learn about each part. 4.Click on the learn more button to get detailed information about each part. Read and take notes on what foods are in each part.
Introduction TaskProcess Links AdviceAssessEnd TProcess Step Four: 1.Visit the Kids Health website on the links page. 2.Scroll down, read entire article, and compare amounts of foods to be eaten given in article to amounts in your my pyramid plan page printed earlier.
Introduction TaskProcess Links AdviceAssessEnd TProcess Step Five: 1.Pick up a blank pyramid paper. 2.Fill in blank pyramid with food group labels and colors, your daily serving amounts, and pictures of various foods in each group. 3.There are pictures of foods in your packet to cut out & paste on the pyramid.
Introduction TaskProcess Links AdviceAssessEnd TLinks My Pyramid Kids Health food/pyramid.html food/pyramid.html
Introduction TaskProcess Links AdviceAssessEnd TAssess CATEGORY Food Group LabelsAll items of importance on the poster are clearly labeled with labels that can be read from at least 3 ft. away. Almost all items of importance on the poster are clearly labeled with labels that can be read from at least 3 ft. away. Several items of importance on the poster are clearly labeled with labels that can be read from at least 3 ft. away. Labels are too small to view OR no important items were labeled. Pictures of FoodsAll graphics are related to the topic and make it easier to understand. All borrowed graphics have a source citation. All graphics are related to the topic and most make it easier to understand. All borrowed graphics have a source citation. All graphics relate to the topic. Most borrowed graphics have a source citation. Graphics do not relate to the topic OR several borrowed graphics do not have a source citation. AttractivenessThe poster is exceptionally attractive in terms of design, layout, and neatness. The poster is attractive in terms of design, layout and neatness. The poster is acceptably attractive though it may be a bit messy. The poster is distractingly messy or very poorly designed. It is not attractive. MechanicsCapitalization and punctuation are correct throughout the poster. There is 1 error in capitalization or punctuation. There are 2 errors in capitalization or punctuation. There are more than 2 errors in capitalization or punctuation. Colors of Food GroupsThe poster includes all required elements as well as additional information. All required elements are included on the poster. All but 1 of the required elements are included on the poster. Several required elements were missing.
Introduction TaskProcess Links AdviceAssessEnd TEnd Congratulations you have now completed this PowerQuest.