Intheloop: Lessons four and five: Manufacturing designs Learning objectives To understand how to use CAM to manufacture the product To understand how to cast pewter safely and effectively To understand finishing through wastage; cutting, drilling and sanding To understand how to use polishing to enhance finishes
Starter activity The circular economy makes intellectual and environmental sense, but it also makes financial sense. The cost of raw materials continues to increase, this cannot be better illustrated than in the continuing increase of metal thefts. Have a look at the articles below and explain why metals are being stolen and how this links to the circular economy. UK USAhttp:// wvF4m0ziUKej-4WwCexUQ.cspxhttp:// wvF4m0ziUKej-4WwCexUQ.cspx
Product manufacture Over the next two lessons we will be manufacturing our jewellery/decoration. There are three stages: 1. Pre casting (mould making) 2. Casting 3. Post Casting (cleaning and finishing) Homework: Produce a detailed record of manufacture for your product, explaining the tools and processes you used, the problems you encountered and how you overcame them.
Pre-casting It is likely that you will be using CAM technologies to cut the mould from the casein sheet you manufactured last lesson. Your teacher will advise you on the process you will be using to manufacture your intheloop product. You will need the CAD file you produced last lesson. Casting is the process of pouring molten materials into a mould and allowing them to set. There are a number of ways that the mould can be manufactured.
Casting Casting is the process of pouring molten materials into a mould and allowing them to set. There are a number of methods for heating pewter to allow it to be readied for moulding. Your teacher will advise you on the process you will be using to manufacture your intheloop product. Safe working practice is always essential in D&T lessons, but please bear in mind molten pewter will be at least 100 O C.
Post-casting A commercially produced mould will be so accurate that a component will not require any additional work once it has been produced. However, it is not possible to achieve that level of finish using the moulds we will be making in this project. You will need to undertake a number of finishing processes: filling, sanding and polishing. Your teacher will give you a demonstration of these processes.
Plenary What are the different stages of product manufacture? What does the abbreviation CAM represent? What advantages do CAM systems offer over traditional processes? Which CAM equipment have you used to manufacture your intheloop? Which traditional tools and equipment have you used to manufacture your intheloop? What safety precautions have you taken during the manufacture of your intheloop?