Week Starting Stage 1 Revise and Test Yourself Stage 2 Test Again After a Week Stage 3 Test Again After 1 Month 2 nd March Keeping Healthy Fundamental ideas in chemistry & Limestone and building materials Energy Transfer by Heating 9 th March Coordination and Control Metals and their uses & Crude Oil and Fuels Energy and Efficiency Keeping Healthy Fundamental ideas in chemistry & Limestone and building materials Energy Transfer by Heating 16 th MarchMedicine and Drugs Other useful substances from crude oil & plant oils and their uses Usefulness of electrical appliances Coordination and Control Metals and their uses & Crude Oil and Fuels Energy and Efficiency 1 St James’s Science Department Revision Schedule Core Science
Week Starting Stage 1 Revise and Test Yourself Stage 2 Test Again After a Week Stage 3 Test Again After 1 Month 23 rd March Adaptation for survival & energy in biomass Changes in the Earth and its atmosphere & Structure and Bonding Generating Electricity Medicine and Drugs Other useful substances from crude oil & plant oils and their uses Usefulness of electrical appliances Keeping Healthy Fundamental ideas in chemistry & Limestone and building materials Energy Transfer by Heating 30 th March Variation Reproduction and New Technology How structure influences the properties and uses of substances Waves Adaptation for survival & energy in biomass Changes in the Earth and its atmosphere & Structure and Bonding Generating Electricity Coordination and Control Metals and their uses & Crude Oil and Fuels Energy and Efficiency 6 th April Evolution Atomic Structure, analysis and quantitative chemistry Forces and their effects Variation Reproduction and New Technology How structure influences the properties and uses of substances Waves Medicine and Drugs Other useful substances from crude oil & plant oils and their uses Usefulness of electrical appliances 13 th April Evolution Atomic Structure, analysis and quantitative chemistry Forces and their effects Adaptation for survival & energy in biomass Changes in the Earth and its atmosphere & Structure and Bonding Generating Electricity 2 St James’s Science Department Revision Schedule Core Science
Week Starting 20 th AprilVariation Reproduction and New Technology How structure influences the properties and uses of substances Waves 27 th AprilEvolution Atomic Structure, analysis and quantitative chemistry Forces and their effects 4 th May Continue to test yourself on Unit 1 and do past papers. 11 th May 18 th May 25 th May Continue to test yourself on Unit 1 and do past papers. 1 st June BIOLOGY UNIT 1 EXAM- 5 th JUNE 8 th June CHEMISTRY UNIT 1 EXAM- 9 th JUNE PHYSICS UNIT 1 EXAM- 12 th JUNE 3 St James’s Science Department Revision Schedule Core Science