Timothy S. Brophy Director of Institutional Assessment
Purpose Describe what’s new for Provide instructions for submitting/revising Academic Assessment Plans Describe institutional resources available for Academic Assessment planning for
What’s New for Program Goals added New Guide for Developing Program Goals and Student Learning Outcomes Attachments: Curriculum Maps, Assessment Timelines, Sample Rubrics, and Assessment Cycles
Step-by step procedure to access your plan in Compliance Assist!
Log into Compliance Assist! Go to: When this screen appears, click on Planning
Planning site At this page, click on My Dashboard at the top of the page
My Dashboard – My Roles At this page, first click “Edit Filter” and select “FY ” from the Fiscal Year drop down list, and click “OK”
My Dashboard – Assessment Plans Next, click the tab marked Assessment Plans The Unit list appears in the left column
Find your program Next, clicking on the + symbols, open Academic Affairs, then Academic Colleges, then your college, then your program(s) or certificate(s) - The BS in Agricultural Operations Mgmt is selected below You will find the program mission, the PGs, SLOs, and the AAP (Academic Assessment Plan) detail – these have been rolled over into for you
Updating your Academic Assessment Plan for
Mission If you have modified your mission, open the mission link, click on the Edit tab, modify as needed, then save and close. Otherwise, no changes are needed.
Program Goals Ensure each program has at least 1 program goal Open each goal, click the Edit tab, and update the Number Revise the Program Goal(s) for as needed. NOTE: Revisions to program goals for do not need to be submitted through the approval system.
Student Learning Outcomes Open each outcome, click the Edit tab, and update the Number APPROVAL PROCESS: If you modify your existing outcomes or create new outcomes for , you must complete the appropriate change form at and submit this form only by April 7. Changes submitted after this date will not be published in the catalog. The AAC will review your changes and when they are approved, you will be notified so you can update your plans. Institutional Assessment will notify the catalog editor.
Academic Assessment Plan (AAP) Detail This is the online form that contains the Academic Assessment Plan components as editable windows – attach files that contain matrices, charts, or grids – do not enter them into the windows ALL AAPs: Assessment Cycle Sample Rubric Assessment Oversight Professional and Graduate AAPs: Research Measurement tools Assessment Timeline Undergraduate AAPs: Curriculum Map Methods and Procedures
AAP Detail – Existing AAPs To open the AAP detail, click on the link.
AAP detail – New AAPs If you are developing a new plan for , open the “new item” box and select each appropriate new item, which will open a blank form. Complete the fields and save your information. Note: program goals are needed for all programs, including certificates. Then, complete and submit the appropriate SLO/ALC forms at request > ALC/AAP and follow the instructions. request
Editing fields in the AAP detail First, click on the “Edit” tab. If you don’t see the Edit tab in your window, slide the field to the right until it comes into view.
Editing fields in the AAP detail Progress: open the Progress field dropdown box Select “ongoing” (this applies to ALL Assessment Plan Detail forms) Click “Save” at the bottom of the page
Editing fields in the AAP detail Responsible Role: Open the “Manage” dropdown box and “Browse Available Roles” to find the title (and name) of the person responsible for the plan in the list of “Available Roles” (note: there are multiple pages of names). If the role/individual name is incorrect or missing, please contact Cheryl Gater at Select that individual, and click “add - selected” In the “Selected Roles” window, select the individual again, and then click “Add Role.” The individual’s name will appear in the Responsible Role window. This should be the person we contact if there are questions regarding the plan. Role/Name will appear here
Editing fields in the AAP detail Click on the “edit” button to open the windows you wish to edit.
Editing Fields in the AAP detail When you are finished editing, click on “update” and the field will update the field with the new information. Do this with each field you edit. NOTE: Update does not save the information – that step comes later.
Need instructions? When you are in Edit mode, instructions are located to the right of the field – hover over the information icon and the instructions will appear
Closing out and saving changes When you have completed entering changes into the AAP detail page, check the “Academic Assessment Plan Entry Complete” box – this is your affirmation that the plan is complete please be sure to “save and close” – otherwise your entries will be lost
Checklist Ensure PGs included Update the Number fields of both PGs and SLOs with For existing plans: Edit the AAP detail for ; for new plans: complete all of the appropriate components. Check the “Completed” box at the bottom of the detailSAVE AND CLOSE If you have modified your current ALC or SLOs for OR if you have entered a new plan, you must submit these at > ALC/AAP, and follow the instructions there.. You will be notified when the Academic Assessment Committee approves any changes to your ALC/SLOs and you can then enter your changes into the Compliance Assist! AAP detail page
Resources for The Institutional Assessment Resources page has been updated with current forms and information: assessmenthttp://assessment.aa.ufl.edu/academic- assessment
with your questions, Call Institutional Assessment at