Bezpečnost Windows pro pokročilé: zajímavosti a UAC GOPAS: | | Ing. Ondřej Ševeček | GOPAS a.s. | MCM:Directory | MVP:Enterprise Security | CEH: Certified Ethical Hacker | CHFI: Computer Hacking Forensic Investigator | |
Specialties and demos Advanced Windows Security
Too many SIDs in access token Access token can accumulate only up to 1025 More than that, user cannot log on cannot create the access token 0xC000015A = STATUS_TOO_MANY_CONTEXT_IDS But the Account Logon Event will appear on DC as Kerberos authentication works fine
Translating SIDs in PowerShell 'S ', 'S ' | n = 'SID' ; e = { $_ } n = 'Name' ; e = { (New-Object System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier $_).Translate([System.Type]::GetType('System.Security.Principal.NTA ccount')).Value } } 'Administrators', 'NT AUTHORITY\Network Service' | n = 'Name' ; e = { $_ } n = 'SID' ; e = { (New-Object Security.Principal.NTAccount $_).Translate([Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]).Value } } $rxSID = '[Ss]-1(?:-\d+){1,}' [regex]::Match('This SID S has been detected', $rxSID).Value
Deleted domain user accounts AD LDAP replication requires tombstone technology All deleted objects remain in the database tombstone lifetime 60/180/360 days or anything configured manually SID, samAccountName
Enumerating all users and groups in PowerShell ( ) | % { "S $_" } | n = 'SID' ; e = { $_ } n = 'Name' ; e = { (New- Object System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier $_).Translate([System.Type]::GetType('System.Security.Principal.NTA ccount')).Value } } | ? { $_.Name -ne $null }
Example IIS app pool identity Running IIS application pool under Network Service enables it to receive authenticated traffic from network It also allows it to access network authenticated as the computer domain account Running IIS application pool under Local Service prevents remote access
User Account Control Advanced Windows Security
Restricted Users Users often work as local Administrators users on workstations/notebooks local administrators on servers We may want restrict their default permissions and rights allow them to elevate if required Does not apply for remote (network) connections
UAC Options on Windows 7
UAC Options on Windows 8 Only display settings You must use the policy
Restricting Local Administrators Windows XP and newer can restrict local Administrators enforced by default on Windows Vista+ must use Run As on Windows XP LSASS can issue restricted access token Administrators and Domain Admins groups are marked as Deny Only basic user rights enabled LSASS maintains two separate Kerberos ticket caches
“Deny” Groups in Access Token User is not member of the group for Allow ACEs if something is granted to the group, it does not apply User is member of the group for Deny ACEs if something is explicitly denied to the group, it still applies not a common case for Administrators, but still good to know
Deny Group in Access Token
UAC on Windows XP and 2003
Děkuji za pozornost GOPAS: | | Ing. Ondřej Ševeček | GOPAS a.s. | MCM:Directory | MVP:Enterprise Security | CEH: Certified Ethical Hacker | CHFI: Computer Hacking Forensic Investigator | |