Fossil Fuels Impact on the Environment By Katie Shirilla
90% of the worlds electricity comes from fossil fuels which means a lot of fossil fuels are burned each day and cause a lot of problems. Many toxic substances are released when fossil fuels are burned and released into the air. Air pollution is also a problem cause by fossil fuels, because it creates smog. Impact on the environment
Impact on Humans Smog can cause illness in humans as well as our crops. Smog can cause bad respiratory and cardiac sickness as well as itchy eyes, sore throats, and even premature death. In Ontario air pollution/ smog causes 9,500 premature deaths per year. By breathing in the polluted air children are more likely to develop asthma or other chronic respiratory illnesses. If we keep using fossil fuels (which are mostly non- renewable) we will run out and won’t have any way to power the world.