Warm Up #53: What do you stand for? What movement would you want to be a part of (past or present)? Objective: Students will test their knowledge about WWI by completing a short quiz. Students will then read non-fiction reading passages about how WWI lead to WWII and the European and international consequences of the war. Students will answer short answer questions inference and critical thinking questions about the reading passages to demonstrate their understanding. Agenda: 1. Warm Up 2. Quiz 3. Brain Pop 4. Reading Passage and Questions about Causes of World War II Homework: PROGRESS REPORTS SIGNED/RETURNED, Extra Credit Opportunity SEE ME TODAY!
Word Bank for Quiz Alliances Militarism Songs Christmas Germany France Loss of Land United Nations Diggers Blackhand Reparations League of Nations Imperialism Doughboys Britain Austria Hungary Machine Guns Gas Field Hospitals Homefront Reduce Army War Guilt
Additional Europe at War Questions Answer the Section Assessment Questions (All 4 questions and all parts of each question) These are additional questions to answer about the Reading Passage: ADD to Question #2 (Venn Diagram) Why did European countries join alliances? World War I Questions: Which countries won World War I? What did the Treaty of Versailles require Germany to do? List 3 weapons used in World War I. World War II Questions: What event brought the United States into WWII?
Warm Up #55: World War II become inevitable when: (why) Treaty of Versailles was signedAdolf Hitler became chancellor Germany, Italy and Japan became Axis Declaration of Peace for our time Germany invaded Poland Objective: Students will work in groups to research different topics of World War II to complete a lesson plan to teach the class. Agenda: 1. Warm Up 2. Homework/Review Packet of Information about Hitler/Nazi Party 3. Project Description 4. Group Assignment- Start Project Homework: Research for Project
PLAN OF ACTION – DUE AT END OF CLASS 1. List your group’s Topic of WWII 2. List all Members of the Group 3. List ALL responsibilities of EACH member of the group. 4. List AT LEAST 5 Main Ideas/ Important information that you learned about your topic today from the Reading materials. 5. ROUGH DRAFT of how you think you are going to TEACH the class about your topic.
Warm Up #56: What was the most interesting fact you read about your topic of World War II last class? Objective: Scholars will work on Lesson Plan Project about different topics related to World War II. By the end of class Scholars will know what they are teaching and how they are teaching the class about their topic and turn in a detailed lesson plan. Agenda: 1. Warm Up 2. Review Project and Expectations 3. Lesson Plan Expectations at the end of Class 4. Work on Project Homework: Be prepared only one class period left to finalize your project. MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY FOR Wednesday!
Lesson Plan Questions 1. Warm Up Question for Lesson 2. Objective: What are your students going to learn? 3. Agenda: What are your students going to do in class? 4. List with a Brief description all areas you are covering about your topic (YOUR RESEARCH) For Example: The Holocaust How Jewish children/adults were treated (laws)/Conditions before the war What does Holocaust mean? Other groups that were persecuted Ghettos/Concentration camps/Extermination camps Rebellion 5. DETAIL how you are going to teach the class – Be specific and give step by step directions how your “teaching”. For Example:
Step by Step Directions for How you are teaching the class: Give students 1 minute to answer warm up and randomly call on 2 students to answer Pass out study guide and explain objective to students Show short video (3 minutes) about concentration camps: Students will write down on their study guide an image or fact that caught their attention Call on 3 individuals to share their fact/image from the video Show brief powerpoint with images about different aspects of the Holocaust Etc..
Warm Up: NO WARM UP TODAY – GET IN YOUR GROUPS AND GET PREPARED TO FINALIZE YOUR PROJECT!! Objective: Scholars will work on Lesson Plan Project about different topics related to World War II. By the end of class Scholars will have created a study guide for their fellow classmates about their topic with a summary and review questions. Agenda: 1. Warm Up 2. Review Project and Expectations 3. Study Guide Due at the end of Class 4. Work on Project Homework: Make sure Presentation is ready to go for Wednesday March 19th!
Study Guide Example of Layout: TITLE OF TOPIC WARM UP (If not on a powerpoint): ACTIVITY: If you are asking students to write facts, or questions, or take notes provide space SUMMARY OF TOPIC: NEEDS TO BE A COMPLETE OVERVIEW OF WHAT YOU TAUGHT – Should be the largest/longest section on your study guide. You need to provide the notes for students and don’t assume they will take notes. REVIEW QUESTIONS: SHOULD ADDRESS THE MAJOR CONCEPTS YOUR STUDENTS NEED TO KNOW TO BE SUCCESSFUL ON THE TEST!