Internet Services for SMEs Ministry of Economy, Paris Alan Reynolds 8-9 th February 1999 Alan Reynolds DTI, London, UK
: What is it? u Searchable National Database of Exporters u Automatic alerting of exporters to leads u Database of leads searchable by exporters u All delivered via the Internet and
: Why do it? u Fundamental role for any TPO to put buyer and seller in touch u Market failure: To meet needs not met by private firms u Previous paper based system had cost impact ratio of 1:60 u Demand from some exporters for a continued service
: Why the Internet? u Recommendation from business that UK needed a technologically more modern system u Wanted same system available everywhere u Cheap to operate. Easy to amend so all users across the world access an upto date system.
: Timetable u JOCE ITT 19 July 1997 u 21 requests to pre-qualify u 4 full bids u Contract signed 13 February 1998 with The Dialog Corporation plc u System live 1 July 1998 u System launched 1 September 1998
: Why join? u Their entry can be seen by anyone, anywhere, anytime - via the Internet è Many competitors are already participating è It’s free - what is there to lose TUK
National Exporters Database (NED) u Usage è Encouraging start Sept 1998-Jan 1999: l 54,000 companies listed l 345,000 searches è BUT, we finding difficult to persuade firms to join in huge numbers
Cumulative Percent No. of employees Composition of NED 18% 50% 85%
u Purpose: è To deal with valuable and complex inquiries, by: l sending alerts to firms who have requested them for these inquiries l displaying these inquiries on the Internet Export Sales Leads Service (ESLS)
u alerts è Embassies and buyers send leads via Internet to Dialog è Firms on NED must register to get alerts è Dialog match leads to registered customers’ interests and send them s è No charge for s è Registered firms choose which leads to read TUK Export Sales Leads Service (ESLS)
u Database search è Dialog send alerts and add leads to database on Internet è Anyone can search the Internet site for leads by country, product, type and dates è Registered firms alone can look at buyer’s details: No charge for 5 per month è FCO Posts can see on-line which firms è were sent alerts è have seen buyer data (inc firms searching database Export Sales Leads Service (ESLS) TUK
u Usage è 6,125 leads to mid-January è 2,400 firms registered 1 September - 6,900 now è 357,000 alerts plus 120,000 database searches u Targets è Increase firms registered to 10,000 è Minimum of 25,000 leads annually Export Sales Leads Service (ESLS)
Marketing Strategy in the UK: u Mailshots u Articles in newsletters u Leaflets/flyers in DTI mail u Presenting TradeUK to audiences at seminars etc. u Displays at events in the UK u Considering “compulsory” membership for users of our other services
How can Business Links help? u Encourage new companies to join Trade, by: è Including with correspondence details of TradeUK è Supply sample leads or sample entries to ‘whet the appetite’ è Mention TradeUK at speaking engagements è Include TradeUK in articles in in-house magazines or newsletters
Summary of benefits for UK businesses u Free services (free entry on NED and free to become customer of ESLS) u Global exposure through the NED u Fast and efficient electronic delivery of information through ESLS (largely free) u Puts flexibility and choice into hands of the customer u Electronic commerce opportunities
Cost to DTI: u Monthly payment to Dialog, offset by: è share of revenue from selling contact details è share of revenue from other information which Dialog might offer to sell e.g. market reports è Total cost including staff time: EUR 28 million over 5 years
Initial Findings: u Minimal resistance from SMEs to using Internet u Difficult to reach SMEs to persuade them to join u Worldwide service uneven because kit in our embassies varies and telecommunications insufficient quality in developing countries