H ONORS E NGLISH 3 N OVEMBER 24 I can edit sentences for mistakes in parallel sentence structure and mechanics. I can demonstrate comprehension of increasingly difficult persuasive texts by answering literal, interpretive, and evaluative questions.
E DIT THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES FOR MISTAKES IN PARALLEL STRUCTURE AND MECHANICS. Some sports fans argue endlessly and with anger about whether football or baseball is truly the American pastime. Baseball backers may insist that baseball is the more important game because it requires skill, dexterity, and to be fast. On the other hand, football fans may praise a quarterback’s speed, skill, and how agile he is.
C HECK YOURSELF. Some sports fans argue endlessly and angrily about whether football or baseball is truly the American pastime. Baseball backers may insist that baseball is the more important game because it requires skill, dexterity, and speed (or quickness). On the other hand, football fans may praise a quarterback’s speed, skill, and agility.
The American dream, as we loosely call our aspirations toward freedom, self-reliance, and self- creation, is defined in large part by the words of the men and women who helped shape America in its early years. Patrick Henry’s famous cry “give me liberty, or give me death!” generate pride to this day, yet at the time, they also resulted in bloodshed and suffering. What does liberty mean to you? JOURNAL
Pages As you read, answer the questions in the text (1-7). Keep a T-Chart of logos and pathos appeals. Star those appeals you find the most effective; mark an X next to appeals that strike you as deceptive. R EAD “S PEECH TO THE V IRGINIA C ONVENTION ” Logos appealsPathos appeals
R EMEMBER TO ANSWER THE QUESTIONS Make sure you answer the questions from pages 83-85, numbers 1-7, as you read. When you finish reading: Do the questions 1-9 on page 85. Number 9 is continued at the top of page 86 with the allusion “Suffer not yourselves to be betrayed with a kiss” (Luke 22:47-48).