BELL RINGERS During the first five minutes of every class, you will write about something I show or ask you. You will write this in your composition notebook/sketchbook. When you come into class begin working on the bell ringer as soon as the tardy bell rings. You will have five minutes to write. You must write at least 5 sentences to get full credit. If you are absent- write 5 sentences on your own.
CLASS RULES Be respectful. It is important that you respect each other, myself, and the classroom. Be responsible. Take care of your work and others, take care of the classroom and the art supplies. Please clean up after yourself. Be safe. Stay mindful of what's going on in the classroom. Use materials the way the are supposed to be used. When you come to class, be prepared to learn.
CLASSROOM PROCEDURES When you come to class, you will need to get out your journal and something to write with. As soon as the tardy bell rings we will start the bell-ringer. Additional art supplies are stored at the front of the room, please put these materials back in their spot before leaving class. The tables should be cleared when you leave with the chairs pushed in. No students will be allowed in the storage areas or my office without my permission.
ART CLUB The art club will meet in my room, all Art Club activities will be reported during the school announcements. After school art Projects that benefit the school and community (ArtsFest in Conway) AYAA (9 th -12 th grade)- Arkansas Young Artist Association, annual competition is in April, $15