Norfolk CC Primary Care Contracts 2015 Reminders and Support Available Tony Dean MRPharmS Chief Officer
Reminders of Some Key Requirements: You must complete the sign up and accreditation process to be able to offer these services after 1 st April 2015 For multiples you must ACT NOW to determine who will/can sign up your pharmacy Deal with requirements NOW and into Feb, DO NOT WAIT until March!! EXCEPTIONS are Needle Exchange and Supervised Consumption- existing contracts run for another year so no need to do anything for them at present!
SCHEDULE 1 (“Core” Contract): Some “Key” Points: “Staff suitably qualified”- so keep robust records of training/development “Adequate number”- must be able to offer services under normal circumstances for opening hours. “Proper and continuous CPD and Appraisal” Again, documented! “Safeguarding Lead”... And staff know who it is! “Safeguarding Annual Refresher” plan it and record it. “IG Lead”- you should have anyway for NHS services. Insurance- levels should be what most already have, but check! “You’re Welcome”. Should be working towards/at: people-friendly-health-services
Schedule 2 Lot 1(b) HealthChecks Provision Future funded GP “Call/Recall” letters will refer patients to NLW with choice of providers. There will be some changes to SOP- diabetes filter, outreach. For existing providers: Look at Competencies: ls/national_guidance/ ls/national_guidance/ and Framework for Quality Improvement ovement&form=PRGBEN&pc=AV01&refig=3141d39a8c0d4727b19bbacdadf0c f9f&pq=nhs+healthchecks+framework+quality+improvement&sc=0-18&sp=- 1&qs=n&skhttp:// ovement&form=PRGBEN&pc=AV01&refig=3141d39a8c0d4727b19bbacdadf0c f9f&pq=nhs+healthchecks+framework+quality+improvement&sc=0-18&sp=- 1&qs=n&sk= Please use internal cascade training where possible. New Providers: Let LPC know of your needs!!! LOOK at LPC WEBSITE FIRST!!
Lot 2 (a) Sexual Health All or nothing- you must offer all elements or none! Existing providers: Little change. NB new PGDs …be able to offer services during normal opening hours. Service must be robust. All pharmacists trained, and all relevant staff aware!!! …Registered Leads must have completed NCC (SHPU) training on Chlamydia Screening Programme. Cascade training permitted for other Pharmacists. CPPE safeguarding by all, PGDs read and signed by all Pharmacists. Retain PGDs. Annual brief reminder of Safeguarding for ALL staff involved. Again- “You’re welcome” SHPU provides training for Registered Leads. See LPC website!!!
Level 1 (VBA): LPC working with training providers to encourage ALL counter staff to have VBA training and to refer into service in preference to selling. Level 2: LPC will provide a “Flowchart” of accreditation requirements for existing and new providers, and for the various staff groups. Please provide scenarios you wish covering!!! NB: Significant increase in remuneration now makes this a truly viable services, so it’s worth getting involved!!! Lot 3(a) Stop Smoking Provision
LOT 3(b) NRT Supply on Voucher Do not need to have a Level 2 advisor to be able to supply vouchers. Can just sign up to this. Accreditation: Completion of NCSCT VBA Online training or CPPE module. We suggest NCSCT. PLUS: Assurance visit from Stop Smoking Service MUST: Follow Protocol for Supply of NRT. This will be available via PharmOutcomes and from the LPC website.
PHARMOUTCOMES MUST USE THE SYSTEM for activity/claims if available If a services doesn’t appear YOU ARE NOT CONTRACTED to deliver it and WILL NOT be paid. Ensure login details are securely stored but available to all who need it. Ensure several staff members know how to use it!!! Log activity promptly. Log in REGULARLY and CHECK FOR MESSAGES. RESPOND to MESSAGES PROMPTLY. Commissioners can see who has not read/responded. Information likely to be important to delivery/safety!!! QUOTE ODS Code in all communications MAKE SURE you have logged an Address with the system
Thank You Any Questions?