Realising the Potential: the role of faith groups within the third sector David Rayner – Cohesion & Faiths Division, CLG tel
2 Not about theological discussion! Faiths as local community organisations – “a distinctive part of the voluntary and community sector” (Faith & Community 2002)
3 Face to Face & Side by Side: A framework for partnership in our multi faith society Published July 2008
4 Strategic vision Face to Face dialogue … …leads to people developing a better understanding of one another, including celebrating the values held in common as well as acknowledging distinctiveness Side by side collaborative social action … …involves people working together to achieve real and positive change within their local community
5 Aims The Framework aims to: Encourage inter faith dialogue which builds understanding and celebrates the values held in common such as integrity in public life, care, compassion and respect Increase the level of collaborative social action involving different faith communities and wider civil society where people work together to bring about real and positive change within their local communities Maintain and encourage the further development of good relations between faith communities and between faith communities and wider civil society Overcome barriers which may be faced by young people and women in participating in dialogue and social action
6 faith and community published February 2002 commitment in Face to Face & Side by Side to update also note refresh of COMPACT Download from:
7 Regional 3 year package of investment and support for RFFs -£1.89m from 2008 to 2011 Supporting the development of Faith Links - regional hubs for local authority faith leads within each of the regions by 2011 North West Development Agency - national RDA lead on faiths and civil society/cohesion
8 Believing in Local Action - local faith organisations and local third sector infrastructure organisations working together See
9 Published March download from:
10 A guide to guidance A guide to advice – finding your way through the local labyrinth ….. sets out a list of publications which are designed to help local groups. In some cases the organisations publishing the guides are themselves a source of information more generally. If knowledge is power, these guides are about empowerment – building the capacity of local groups to get involved in an informed and intelligent way and to make the system ‘work for them’ in terms of access to resources.
11 Local Area Agreements (LAAs) set out the priorities for a local area agreed between central government and a local area (the LA and LSP) and other key partners at the local level simplify some central funding, help join up public services more effectively and allow greater flexibility for local solutions to local circumstances are helping to devolve decision making, move away from a 'Whitehall knows best' philosophy and reduce bureaucracy “LAAs are about what sort of place you want to live in. They set out the local priorities that will make your town, city or community a better place to be; they have been negotiated between all the main public sector organisations in your area, your local authority and central Government.”
12 Local Priorities Website This website aims to show you what the priorities are in your area and also where you can get more information about those local priorities
13 Local Priorities Website (2) Step 1: Find a local area Please select your region: Selected region: Step 2: Select local area Please select the local area within the selected region from the drop down below:
14 Communitybuilders £70m investment fund - bids invited from ‘community anchors' Key features of such organisations include: - community control by local residents and/or representatives of local groups - addressing a wide range of the neighbourhood's needs in a holistic way - include all sections of their community - empowers people by facilitating and supporting community development and enterprise in their area Programme being delivered, on behalf CLG & OTS, by a consortium led by Adventure Capital Fund