Legacy Makers Workshop November 22 nd 2012 Chris Austin
Purpose of Legacy Makers: Enhancing the support to community sport & physical activity providers, enabling them to: – Become more sustainable – Offer a higher quality of service – Provide their services to more people
Legacy Makers is a joint approach or ‘framework’ between Pro-Active Central London and the seven boroughs
Legacy Makers aims to enhance the level of support provided to central London community sport & physical activity providers It is intended that the initiative develops into an on-going approach to supporting community organisations. i.e. there is no specified end point to the programme.
Legacy Makers Website –
Being Inclusive Developing Your Organisation Marketing Your Organisation Recruiting and Supporting Volunteers Recruiting and Supporting Coaches Funding Your Organisation Setting Up As A Provider Sources of Support Who Can Help Locally
Legacy Makers Supporters (Mentors) Role of the supporter – SUPPORTER NOT DOER! 1.Develop a positive and constructive relationship with the club/provider 2.Identify development priorities and needs 3.Connect the provider to agencies, people and resources 4.Act as a source of support, guidance and advice 5.Record the achievements/progress 6.Feedback to the borough Legacy Makers lead
Who are Legacy Makers Supporters? Sports Development Officers Sports Administrators Club Leads (Specific Area) NGB Contacts Public Health Officers Active Wandsworth Partners Those with an interest in Sports Clubs
Group discussion & feedback… Could your Club/organisation benefit from Legacymakers? What areas are you looking for support in? Where do you want to get to / what does success look like? How do we measure the impact of Legacy Makers?
What’s Next ………… Sign up sheet in delegate pack Sports Development Officer Wandsworth Leisure & Sport Services Tel Mb or contact Chris Austin