By: Shane Jansa
Center Pivot Drip Irrigation Flood Irrigation Hand Pipe Side Role
Frank Zybach age 53 Paten in July of 1949 Sold 19 in the first year. Now
At home operation. $50,000 to $300,000 Precision Watering. Injection Pumps. GPS Technology Corner Watering
FieldNET by Lindsay irrigation. You can control your watering from a I Pad or a Smart phone.
Can monitor your fields 24/7 Less wear on your vehicles driving. Save money on gas and electricity Save time not driving to each field. Conserve water Keep data and records of your pivots Is compatible with any brand of pivot Can buy upgrades for more money.
You have to have a internet connection that stays on all the time. Place a Bridge in the house connected to the internet. The Radio Repeater is placed on the highest point on your home, barn, or grain tower. Then you place a(Remote Telemetry Unit) RTU unit on each pivot Then you plug in data on the pivots that you want it to do. May download app for the phone if you want to use your phone.
Start, stop or reverse your pivot. Monitor your pivot 24/7. Regulate water pressure. Send alarms if something goes wrong. Monitor water pumps for pressure. Record data on water usage. Control Injection pumps for fertilizer or chemical. Water only certain sections of the field.
Reinke – Ontrac Valley- Base Station Nelson- A3000 Acelerator
r/files/0/5cb8c83bc85fbe6f b2bf47cb7/ pdf/lindsay_fieldnet_brochure_0912.pdf r/files/0/5cb8c83bc85fbe6f b2bf47cb7/ pdf/lindsay_fieldnet_brochure_0912.pdf