Create a Facebook Page of Maria von Trapp – Using this template A. Insert photos and information found on the internet about Maria von Trapp in the spaces provided in the following Facebook pages. 1.Photos may include pictures from the movie and from real life. You may changer her profile page. 2.To resize pictures always use the corner handle. Never resize pictures from the side or the top. 3.Your quotes need to be based on what we saw in the Sound of Music. B. When you are finished with the pages: 1. Spell check your assignment. 2. Check for missing information. 3. Save the project as “_(insert your name) von Trapp” and submit the project online to the drama page on my webpage. Submit to either, finished or not finished. Only submit once and make sure that your document has loaded. 4. Print a copy of your project, even if it is not finished. 5. Turn in your printed project, if it is finished. If it is not finished, then place in your binder to work on tomorrow.
Facebook Maria von Trapp is WallPhotosFlairBoxesMaria von TrappLogout View photos of Maria (5) Send Maria a message Poke message Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Write something… Share Information Networks: Salzburg Birthday: Jan Political: Austrian Nationalist Religion: Catholic Hometown: Vienna Friends Mother AbbessGeorg von Trapp Gretl von Trapp Mother Abbess: Good to see you happy Dearie, How are the children? Baroness Schrader Georg Von Trapp: How is my little darling today? Gretl Von Trapp: How is my new mommy today? Baroness Schrader: Hope you and Georg are having a wonderful time together. Insert Date here Maria Von Trapp…insert an old post that Maria would have put before her wedding Insert Date here Insert a name of someone who would be a Facebook friend of Maria and post it here. Insert Date here Photo
Personal Information Facebook Maria von Trapp is excited to be a mother and wife. WallPhotosFlairBoxesMaria von TrappLogout View photos of Maria (5) Send Maria a message Poke message Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Basic Information Information Networks: Salzburg Birthday: Jan Political: Austrian Nationalist Religion: Catholic Hometown: Vienna Photos Networks: Sex: Female Birthday: Hometown: Relationship Status: Married to Georg von Trapp Political Views: Austrian Nationalist Religious Views: Catholic Activities: Singing, Dancing Interests: Children, Singing Favorite Music: Whatever the hills are alive with Favorite Movies: Favorite TV Shows: Favorite Books: The bible The Family Updated last Tuesday 2 Albums Our Wedding Updated two months ago Contact Information Address: Phone Number:
Facebook WallPhotosFlairBoxesMaria von TrappLogout WallInfoPhotosBoxes Photos of Maria and her family 8 Photos Maria’s Albums 2 Photo Albums The Family 5 photos Our Wedding 5 photos Profile Pictures 1 photo Name ______________________________________________