Surah Yaseen, The Heart Of The Quran. By Mehdi Bhalloo
Ayaats Blast, Allah sent a messenger to guide them but still they mock the messenger and other that have come before that have tried to guide them they have ignored. This Has effected me because it says when someone asks you to do the right thing listen to them not ignore it will help your self.
Ayaats These Ayaats says “you cannot plant a tree without Allah's help, glory to Allah him who created 2 of every thing, Allah even created pairs of plants animals and humans”. These Ayaats shows me that Allah's has a number of different miracles that are so great and the power of him.
Ayaats These Ayaats says “If you were bad in the past you could turn good and not commit any more sins,You are what you live behind on earth”. This Ayaats said if you were bad when you left earth you will be punished but if you were good you will get rewarded and that you can change from bad to good its your choice.
Ayaats These Ayaats says “All That has been good followers will get fruits and will be rewarded and all that have been bad and guilty will be punished, although they can change that and take the right path instead of shataans. This Ayaats effects me by telling me to follow the right path and too be good or I will not get any rewards.