Pablo Picasso “If We Could Only Pull Out Our Brains And See Only With Our Eyes”
1776 System Internationale
BASE UNITS Length Mass Volume Time Meter Gram Liter Second
October 17 th, 2028
Accuracy v. Precision Precision Def: Achieves same result multiple times Accuracy Closest to actual value/condition
Range of Acceptable Measurements An observed value is considered “accurate” if it falls within the range of acceptable measurements Ranges vary based on the measurement device RANGE IS DETERMINED AS THE MEASURED VALUE + and – HALF THE SMALLEST INCREMENT ON THE MEASURING DEVICE
Characteristics of Individual Living Organisms Living organisms are cellular Living organisms reproduce on some level Living organisms are based on a universal genetic code Living organisms grow and develop Living organisms have a metabolism (i.e. use materials and energy and produce waste) Living organisms respond to their external environment Living organisms maintain a stable internal environment
ORGANIZATION All life is organized on multiple levels –Organ Systems –Organs –Tissues The smallest level of organization is the cell
UNIVERSAL GENETIC CODE Nucleic Acids DNA RNA “Language” used for the assembly of proteins
ENERGY FLOW Since energy cannot be created or destroyed, organisms change the form of energy on multiple levels An organisms’ energy needs and means for changing energy is its metabolism
HOMEOSTASIS Organisms try to maintain the “same state” for many of its internal systems –Body Temperature –Water Balance –O2/CO2 Balance Loss of homeostasis = death/illness
RESPONSE TO ENVIRONMENT When environmental conditions change, organisms must respond to survive and maintain internal homeostasis Behavior
REPRODUCTION Organisms must have the capacity for either sexual or asexual reproduction on some level of organization
GROWTH Living organisms increase through the addition of protein and/or the addition of additional cells to their structure
DEVELOPMENT Living organisms must change their forms or functions over time to best suit the needs of the organism at that time