Quantum Design PPMS & Transport and Magnetic Measurements
How to measure? Force : F = mass x acceleration [Newton’s Law] acceleration = change in velocity/time = v/ t = ( d/ t)/ t F = mass x gravity F= - k x displacement Torque = leverarm x Force In Collison : F = Change In Momentum/change in time
Optical Measurements Focal Length of a Lens Interference :
Magnetic Field Biot and Savart Law Calculating Magnetic field around a conductor carrying current Ampere’s theorem can also be applied Magnetic field due to a solenoid B n I B I
Superconductor Resistance 0 Oppose the applied magnetic field Current is due to pair of electron
Josephson Junction Superconductor 1 Superconductor 2 I = I 0 Sin Quantum flux = h/2e = x Wb Insulator
SQUID Magnetic field of Heart T SQUID devices were used ( Sperconducting Quantum Interference Devices) It can measure the magnetic field less than T
PPMS or MPMS Use SQUID principle to set up magnetic field ( higher accuracy)
PPMS or MPMS Use SQUID principle to set up magnetic field ( higher accuracy) PPMS with VSM VSM : Vibrating Sample Magnetometer
What can be measured 1.Resistacne vs H 2.Resistance Vs Temperature from 0.3K to 450 K // & 3.I-V as a function of H, // & 4.Ac transport 5.Hall effect 6.Differential resistance 7.Specific heat capacity 8.Angular variation 9. Thermal transport Magnetic : 1.Magnetic hysteresis 2.Susceptibility 3.Torque 4.Magnetic field H, // & 5.Ultra low field option < 0.1 G
PPMS inside view
Sample Puck Current Voltage
VSM Option Direction of current depends on the motion of magnet Induced Emf = - (Flux)/ t N
VSM contd. VSM coil Motor Oven stick K
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