PACS IIDR ESTEC 01/02 March 2001 OGSE 1 PACS Instrument Intermediate Design Review (IIDR) Reinhard Katterloher OGSE
PACS IIDR ESTEC 01/02 March 2001 OGSE 2 Optical Ground Support Equipment (OGSE) PACS OGSE consists of different cryostats, several cryogenic beam conditioning optics and infrared sources (i.e. OGSE –0, -1, -2, -3, -4) OGSE 0 for FPU alignment/verification is under design and will be provided by KT/MPE OGSE 1, 2 and 4 are required for detector module testing (will be provided by MPE, MPIA and LENS) OGSE 3 and 4 are required for instrument performance verification and on-ground wavelength calibration (will be provided by MPE and LENS) Use of the various OGSEs is required from June 01 – July 05
PACS IIDR ESTEC 01/02 March 2001 OGSE 3 OGSE 1 for Detector Module Performance Testing OGSE 1 consists of a cryostat, optics and cryogenic BB source, it provides IR-background and signals within later operational range of photon flux OGSE 1 will be located at MPE (2x) and at MPIA (1x) MPE optics version „FIRSA“ was in use for EM1 – 6 tests and will be replaced by OGSE 1 before QM, FM, FS module testing starts OGSE 1 is currently under final assembly (ready end March 01) OGSE 1 is designed for simultaneous tests on 4 resp. 7 modules (depending on the electronics set-up used)
PACS IIDR ESTEC 01/02 March 2001 OGSE 4 OGSE 1
PACS IIDR ESTEC 01/02 March 2001 OGSE 5 OGSE 1
PACS IIDR ESTEC 01/02 March 2001 OGSE 6 OGSE 2 for Detector Module #8 spectral and proton-irradiation Tests OGSE 2 consists of a LHe-dewar with optics (providing the right IR-background) and will be combined with –a tunable infrared source (OGSE 4) for the spectral investigations on the Ge:Ga pixels –OGSE 2 will be located at LENS for this test –a 100 MeV proton source for the high energy particle spike (transient) investigations –OGSE 2 will be located at PSI for this test OGSE 2 is under manufacture (ready July 01)
PACS IIDR ESTEC 01/02 March 2001 OGSE 7 OGSE2
PACS IIDR ESTEC 01/02 March 2001 OGSE 8 OGSE 2
PACS IIDR ESTEC 01/02 March 2001 OGSE 9 OGSE 3 for instrument characterization Performance test and calibration activities with OGSE 3 will comprise: Sensitivity calibration of the photometer and spectrometer sections of PACS Wavelength calibration of PACS spectrometers Characterization of spectral and spatial instrumental profiles for point sources Use of other external sources (e.g. gas cell) in addition to TUFIR OGSE 3 consists of a big test cryostat, telescope simulator, optics, BB and a window to feed-in outside cryostat IR-sources (OGSE 4 and others) during functionality/performance testing (ILT1, ILT2) the optics and the cryogenic BB is used (OGSE 3 will be located at MPE) during final wavelength calibration (ILT3) the optics and the tunable IR-source TUFIR is used (OGSE 3 will be located at LENS) OGSE 3 is currently under design (preliminary concepts are shown), it has to be ready for use July 02
PACS IIDR ESTEC 01/02 March 2001 OGSE 10 PACS Test Cryostat with OGSE 3
PACS IIDR ESTEC 01/02 March 2001 OGSE 11 Top view of test cryostat and optical beam of PACS FPU and telescope simulator
PACS IIDR ESTEC 01/02 March 2001 OGSE 12 Side view of test cryostat and optical beam of PACS FPU and telescope simulator
PACS IIDR ESTEC 01/02 March 2001 OGSE 13 OGSE 3 Schematic
PACS IIDR ESTEC 01/02 March 2001 OGSE 14 OGSE 3 Conceptual Design
PACS IIDR ESTEC 01/02 March 2001 OGSE 15 OGSE 4 TUFIR Wavelength Calibrator The tunable IR-source TUFIR is based on a third order mixing of coherent radiation emitted by two carbon dioxide lasers and microwaves generated by a synthesizer on a metal-insulator-metal diode. A complete coverage of the FIR spectral range is provided. The spectral calibration requirements for PACS are defined in PACS-ME-PL-003. OGSE 4 is located at LENS OGSE 4 is operational, adaptation of the beam to the specific needs of PACS is necessary (ILT3 test activities start May 03)
PACS IIDR ESTEC 01/02 March 2001 OGSE 16 OGSE 4 Schematic representation of the TUFIR wavelength calibrator for PACS
PACS IIDR ESTEC 01/02 March 2001 OGSE 17 Cryogenic Blackbody Source (above) and example of an Incandescent Line Source combined with a Water Vapour Absorption Cell (below)