Lessons Aimed At Helping Saints Define, Describe, & Defeat Sin
Lesson 3 – Temptation To Sin Overcoming Temptation The Scripture declares temptation can be “endured” (overcome) Jas 1:12 There are several things believers can do to prevent themselves from yielding to temptation’s “solicitation”
Lesson 3 – Temptation To Sin Overcoming Temptation Ê Fill ourselves with God’s word Believers are encouraged to “internalize” the Scripture Psa 119:11 Col 3:16a 1 Jn 2:1a Jesus provides such an example to overcome temptation Mt 4:4, 7, 10
Jesus’ Temptations Mt 4:1-11 Temptation #1 (vv. 2-4) Turning stones into bread Temptation was not about using miraculous power to provide food…if so, how would we harmonize Mt. 14:18-21? Nor was it about abusing miraculous power The temptation was about emphasizing material things over spiritual responsibilities
Jesus’ Temptations Mt 4:1-11 Temptation #1 (vv. 2-4) Turning stones into bread The Lord quoted Deut 8:3 Context = provision of manna Man’s existence isn’t dependent upon food… it is entirely dependent upon living by what God has said
Jesus’ Temptations Mt 4:1-11 Temptation #2 (vv. 5-7) Testing God Temptation appeared to be an appeal for Jesus to do the spectacular “If You really want men to follow You…get their attention & jump off this temple” Satan even quoted Scripture to bolster his claim Psa 91:11-12
Jesus’ Temptations Mt 4:1-11 Temptation #2 (vv. 5-7) Testing God The devil appealed to vain glory & pride in tempting Jesus in this way The Lord quoted Deut 6:16 Context = Israel’s faithfulness in Canaan Man shouldn’t test God re: what He will do if he is disobedient
Jesus’ Temptations Mt 4:1-11 Temptation #3 (vv. 8-11) Worshiping Satan The last one appeared to be a “shortcut” All kingdoms (men) would belong to Jesus if He would bow down & worship the devil The Lord was to have the nations for His inheritance Psa 2:7-8 Satan Ù “You can have them w/o the cross”
Jesus’ Temptations Mt 4:1-11 Temptation #3 (vv. 8-11) Worshiping Satan The Lord quoted Deut 6:13 (same context as previous quotation) There are no “shortcuts” to serving God… He demands our total allegiance Satan can’t deliver what he promises…it is “fool’s gold”
Lesson 3 – Temptation To Sin Overcoming Temptation Ê Fill ourselves with God’s word Luke’s account of Jesus’ temptations reminds us of Satan’s persistence Even if we endure temptation, the devil won’t quit Lk 4:13
Lesson 3 – Temptation To Sin Overcoming Temptation Ë Limit our exposure to sin We can help thwart temptation’s power by not placing ourselves in harm’s way (compromising situations) Our choices will either lead us toward or away from temptation & sin
Lesson 3 – Temptation To Sin Overcoming Temptation Ë Limit our exposure to sin Illustrated by Lot’s story His “criteria” for choosing his land was based solely on material concerns Gen 13:10-13 It adversely affected him 2 Pet 2:6-8
Lesson 3 – Temptation To Sin Overcoming Temptation Ë Limit our exposure to sin If Lot knew about Sodom before moving there, that was a bad decision If he didn’t know before, it was a bad decision to stay there once he learned… a spiritual danger to him and his family
Lesson 3 – Temptation To Sin Overcoming Temptation Ì Get our feet moving – flee!! Some situations just need to be fled 1 Cor 6:18 Hanging around too long allows Satan to make the enticement appealing…we’ll eventually yield to the temptation