Hebrews 4:1-5
Theme of Book Christ Is Superior – To prophets – To angels – To Moses – To High Priests – In covenant – In sanctuary – In sacrifice This Applies to a Christian’s Life – Draw near to God and each other – Remember the Heroes of Faith – Enduring chastening as God’s children
1.Why did the writer have to point out that God’s promise of rest still stands? Why might his readers have thought God’s promise of rest had already been fulfilled? They may have thought the rest was fulfilled when Israel entered the Promised Land 2.How are we similar to the people in the Old Testament? How must we be different from them if we are to enter God’s rest? We have had the same word preached to us, but we are warned not to reject what God has given us.
3.Work on understanding God’s wonderful rest by stating what the writer is referring to in these phrases: “we who have believed enter that rest” (verse 3) The Spiritual rest we have in Christ “never enter my rest” (verse 3) – Here the entrance into Canaan, but also implied is spiritual rest. “on the seventh day God rested” (verse 4) – the Day God rested from his work of creation. “never enter my rest” (verse 5) – Spiritual rest and eternal rest
4.What various kinds of rest do we enjoy as Christians? Spiritual rest and eternal rest – they can be described as peace, joy and the hope of eternal life. All of this is based on our forgiveness.
Hebrews 4: Focus on the word rest in these verses, and tell what the word means in each section. This will help you see the overarching concept of rest in Scripture and how rest was pictured in the Old Testament. Use this discussion to help you appreciate the rest you live in right now. “some will enter that rest” (verse 6) The rest we have in Christ “if Joshua had given them rest” (verse 8) The rest Joshua gave was rest from war and conquering the land of Canaan, but the rest alluded to is spiritual rest. “a Sabbath-rest for the people of God” (verse 9) The spiritual rest we have in Christ and eternal life “who enters God’s rest also rests from his own work” (verse 10) Our rest in God’s grace causes us to stop looking to work our way into heaven. “every effort to enter that rest” (verse 11) Make use of the tools God has given us so we do not lose our rest. See: Philippians 2:12-13
2.Verse 11 summarizes the entire section. What does the writer want us to do? Make use of the Means of Grace = The Gospel in Word and Sacrament 3.God’s Word is living and active, sharper than any double-edged sword. We often use these thoughts to show the power of God’s Word in conversion. However, in this context the power of God’s Word is used for a different reason. Can you tell what it is? It reminds us that nothing is hidden from God.
Hebrews 4:12 What does it mean that God’s Word is “living and active”? When it is proclaimed it is working! Isaiah 55:10-11 “It divides soul and spirit, joints and marrow”? It penetrates the depth of our being – it tells us the truth about ourselves like nothing else can. “It judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart” It has the power to change hearts like nothing else can.
4.What can you do to keep yourself focused on God’s rest in Christ? Stay in the word, seek to avoid the deeds that lead to death. Stay focused on Jesus and eternal life.
Hebrews 4: The Old Testament high priest went into the presence of God on the Day of Atonement. Read or review that account in Leviticus 16: Where specifically did the high priest go on that day? How is Jesus superior to him? (Hint: Focus on the phrase “gone through the heavens” in Hebrews 4:14.) The high priest went into the Holy of Holies, which was the representation of God’s presence among his people, with blood from a sacrifice that didn’t really pay for sin. Jesus actually went into heaven not just a representation of it, he himself was the payment for sin. 2.Old Testament high priests were just men. Who, however, is Jesus? He is the Son of God.
3.Hebrews 4:14–5:10 shows three ways Jesus is superior to the Old Testament high priest. He has greater sympathy, greater authority, and he is eternal. In 4:15 the writer says that Jesus is able to sympathize with our weaknesses. Why can Jesus sympathize with us? He took on flesh to suffer the same things (temptations and living in a sin filled world) we suffer. 4.How is Jesus different from us? He never sinned.
5.What is the connection between what the writer says about Jesus going through the heavens and what he says about our being able to stand before God’s throne and find grace to help with all our problems? Jesus paved the way, so we have access on our own. Jesus is our one and only mediator. 6.Because of what our Great High Priest did for us, what are we able to do? Describe how you approach God’s throne of grace. List some of the reasons why you have done this in the past week. Explain what you prayed for this week. Any suggestions for the rest of us?