Preparing a Scientific Poster LuAnn Wilkerson, Ed.D. Sr. Assoc. Dean for Medical Education Alan LeFor, M.D. Former Chair, Applied Anatomy College & Professor of Surgery
Objectives Planning a Poster Presentation –“The Science” Preparing the Poster –“The Mechanics” –Critiquing some Posters Presenting
Planning What is the hardest part of planning?
State Your Research Question Determine your purpose State the question that guided your research Focus your question: Can you tell it all? Share it with several people –Are any of the terms vague? –Does it seem important? Interesting? Refine
Know Your Audience Who will attend? –Level of expertise with this topic –Interests How much time will be available for viewing? What is the setting?
Determine the Main Points Distill to a single story supported by 3-4 facts. Be selective. Leave room for –Introduction –Examples and explanations –Visual displays –Summary
Preparing the Poster
Components Abstract and References are NOT generally used Typical format: IMRaD Case Report format –Introduction Review of the literature Rationale for choosing this case –Case Presentation –Conclusion References are generally not included
Title Select a title –Accurately represents your work –Attracts the viewer –Matches the title submitted in your abstract Authors, including your mentor Institutional affiliations
Introduction Why is this problem important? –Context –Literature Can be bullet points Can be brief
Methods Sample Instrumentation Procedure IRB approval if human subjects Enough detail so the viewer can tell what you did –Sometimes a photograph –Bullet points are fine
Results Decide on 2 to 3 key results Display your results visually –Graphs / Charts –Data Tables –Photographs Provide visual organizers –Subtitles –Color coding
Conclusions What are the implications of your study? –A few bullet points are perfect What are the limitations? What additional studies are needed? Include only essential references –Landmark studies –Study you are confirming or disconfirming
Mechanical Factors Know the dimensions you are allowed (4’ x 4’) Bring your own tacks! Visuals should be readable from 5-6’ away. Use an appropriate font size. Use a Sans serif font. Don’t mix fonts. –Serif –Sans serif Format choice –Single poster sheet –Poster board and spray mount
Cost Color printing, Poster board, spray mount: About $15 One piece professionally printed: $ A well-done poster session: Priceless!!!!!
Let’s Critique some REAL Posters! The Mechanics and a Disclaimer! Photographs by Alan Lefor, MD
Sketch the Layout Use a font readable from 5-6 feet away Use the Does/Does Not Test –Is the organization clear? –Are the main points obvious? –Is it visually interesting? Include Charts, graphs, pictures Use Color for emphasis
Presenting the Poster
Interact with Your Audience Start with the viewer’s interest –Ask if you can tell them more. Describe the purpose in one sentence Describe the methodology concisely. –Sample –Major instrumentation Stress the unique results. This is the FUN of a poster compared to a regular scientific talk. You may get new ideas!
Common Problems Inappropriate level for the audience Disorganized format Too much detail included Poor visuals No interaction with the viewers