Christ Our Refuge Hebrews 6:17-20
Introduction The writer expresses his desire that every Christian persevere to the end- vv And receive the great reward promised to us He assures us that God’s promises are dependable And speaks of Christians having fled for refuge- v. 18 A running away from danger And a running to a place of peace, protection, and safety
Refuges Under the Law of Moses-1 Some guilty of crimes ran to the altar at the tabernacle and grabbed its horns It was a plea for mercy by the guilty party Adonijah did it after his failed attempt to take the throne from Solomon- I Ki. 1:50 Later Joab, who supported him, did it- I Ki. 2:28 Solomon spared Adonijah’s life but ordered Joab killed at the altar
Refuges Under the Law of Moses-2 Others fled to one of the cities of refuge These were set up throughout Israel- Josh. 20:7-8 Three on each side of the Jordan river Kedesh, Shechem, Hebron, Bezer, Ramath and Golan These were for those who killed someone accidently There they were safe from the avenger of blood until their case was heard and guilt determined
Refuges Under the Law of Moses-3 If they were found guilty of murder, they were put to death- Num. 35:16 Those found innocent of murder had to remain in the city of refuge until the High Priest died Then they could return home Their life was at risk if they left before that time- Num. 35:27 These cities are a type of our refuge
All of Us Need A Refuge-1 A source of peace, protection and safety 1. Because we all have an enemy Who will destroy us if he gets the opportunity- I Pet 5:8 2. Because we have all sinned- Rom. 3:23 Sin brings trouble and turmoil to the life of the sinner- Prov. 13:15 And the sentence for sin is spiritual death- Rom. 6:23
All of Us Need A Refuge-2 We can do nothing to clear ourselves 3. We live in a world of conflict, trouble, temptation and sin From which spiritually-minded people seek relief 4. We all face times of trouble and sorrow Psalmist found a refuge in God- Psa. 46:1 Jesus is that place of rest and safety for Christians today
Jesus Is A Refuge from Our Sins-1 Jesus is a refuge from all our past sins He has provided cleansing in His blood- Rev. 1:5 He is a refuge for all who will come to Him- Mt. 11:28-30 We enter Christ through faith and baptism- Gal. 3:26-27 Those who are in Him are free from the guilt of sin and Divine condemnation– Rom. 8:1 Safety requires that we abide in Him
Jesus Is A Refuge from Our Sins- 2 Just as those exonerated under the Law of Moses had to remain in the city of refuge He is a refuge from our present sins Not by His imputed righteousness Or by making us incapable of sinning For all Christians stumble and sin- I Jn. 1:8 He provides forgiveness for those who confess their sins- I Jn. 1:9
Jesus Is A Refuge from the World In Him we can have peace No matter what is going on in the world around us He will be with us in times of trouble and sorrow to encourage and comfort us- Heb. 13:5 We can cast all our care on Him- I Pet. 5:7 And He will give us a peace that surpasses all understanding- Phil. 4:6-7
Jesus is Our Eternal Refuge A refuge from the wrath that is coming to those who continue in sin- II Thess 1:8-9 He is the source of the hope set before us- Heb.6:18 A living hope of eternal life and a home in Heaven- I Pet. 1:4 A hope that is like an anchor for our soul Binding us to Jesus who has entered Heaven as a forerunner for us Is Christ you refuge this morning?