Welcome Collaborative Teaching Initiative Train-The-Trains I June 15 & June 16 th Sessions
Collaborative Teaching Initiative Train-the-Trainers I June 15, 2006 Agenda Welcome: Purpose, Teams Kansas University Strategic Instruction Model (SIM) Overview Course Organizer Administrator’s Session Lunch Unit OrganizerFraming Routine
Presenters For June 15 Chuck Solheim Deb Stelk Georgie Koenig Dale Simmonson Bev Mommson
Collaborative Teaching Initiative Train-the-Trainers I June 16, 2006 Agenda Welcome Going Deeper Into: 6 Models of Co-Teaching Forms & Arrangements of Collaboration Beliefs Reading in the Content Area Strategies Lunch Connecting Strategies as the Keys that Unlock the Doors to Learning Reading in the Content Area Strategies Break Strategy Application to Math Closing
Presenters For June 16 Chuck Solheim Georgie Koenig Linda Mannhardt
Purpose of Initiative Highly Qualified Teacher Legislation Continuous Support –Large group sessions –Coaches –Administrative group –Blog Data Collection Iowa Professional Development Model
Collecting/Analyzing Student Data Goal Setting and Student Learning Selecting Content Designing Process for Professional Development Training/Learning Opportunities Collaboration/ Implementation Ongoing Data Collection (Formative Evaluation) Program Evaluation (Summative)
Effect Sizes for Training Outcomes by Training Components Components KnowledgeSkillTransfer of Theory/ Information Theory and Demonstration Theory and Practice Theory, Demonstration & Practice Theory, Demo, Practice, Feedback Theory, Demo, Practice, FB, & Coaching
Leader of Team: We need team leaders for every building team This person will be the contact person & help organize the group LEA Lead Person - Facilitate communication between building team and facilitator group - Organize building team - Collect team data and turn into facilitator group
Kansas Strategies SIM Overview Deb Stelk, KU Trainer, will present an over of the KU Strategic Instruction Model known as SIM The overview provides the big picture of what KU and the Center for Research and Learning in Lawrence, Kansas is all about
Lunch Lunch Break 11:30 to 12:25 Return By 12: 28 Afternoon Session Starts 12:30 Framing Routine 12:30 Unit Organizer