The University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas
María Eloísa García Etchegoyhen de Lorenzo To laugh often and much, to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children, to leave the world a bit better, to know even one life had breathed easier because you had lived, that is to have succeeded. (Adapted from an original verse by Bessie Anderson Stanley) was a success
Montevideo Uruguay
Who was María Eloísa García Etchegoyhen de Lorenzo? Citizen of Uruguay Wife of Dr. Juan Carlos Lorenzo Mother of two daughters: Mariel Lorenzo and Isabella Lorenzo-Hubert Mother of two sons: Juan Carlos Lorenzo and Marcos Lorenzo
Pan American Grace: Eloísa with Marcos and Isabella
With her husband, Dr. Juan Carlos de Lorenzo, on a visit to Maryland, U.S.A.
Education Teacher’s College, Montevideo, Uruguay 1941: B.A. in Education 1944: Specialization in Teaching Exceptional Children University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 1948: M.A., Clinical Psychology
Sought-after international speaker Tireless champion for families of people with disabilities Consultant to the United Nations, UNESCO, World Health Organization, UNICEF, CEPAL Pan-American Health Organization
At Work
Eloísa, inspired speaker
joie de vivre
Sample of Positions Chief of the Mental Retardation (now Special Education and Preschool) Unit of the Inter- American Children’s Institute, a specialized agency of the Organization of American States. Montevideo, Uruguay President of the International League of Societies for Persons with Mental Handicap. Brussels, Belgium 1992 Chair, Inter-American Committee on Education (OAS)
Good Friends Good Cheer
HONORS 1966 Joseph P. Kennedy Jr. Foundation Award 1976 Leadership Award, American Association on Mental Deficiency, Chicago, Illinois 1977 Award of Merit, President’s Committee on Mental Retardation 1985 Distinguished Achievement Award (Service in Mental Deficiency), International Association for the Scientific Study of Mental Deficiency
HONORS 1988 Eloísa de Lorenzo Award is established by the Directing Council of the Inter-American Children’s Institute (IACI) 1988 Andrés Bello Inter-American Education Award Organization of American States (OAS) 1991Spirit of the Special Olympics Award 1994 School Complex in Montevideo named for María Eloísa García Etchegoyhen de Lorenzo 1996 Regina Sophia Award, presented by Queen Sophia of Spain in Madrid, Spain.
On a visit to the University of Kansas Life Span Institute Beach Center on Families and Disability SALUD AMIGOS! Let us have a toast….