Where in the world are you?
A little about me… My education is in philosophy. I live in Lawrence, Kansas. Married with three young children.
Contact Information Contact Information: Lou Sirard Kaplan address: AIM Instant Messenger Name: lsirard Seminar Day and Time: Wednesday 9:00-10:00 PM ET Office Hours: By appointment
Syllabus and Policies Keep in touch Plagiarism
Ways to Earn Points Discussion Posts (Weeks 1 through 9) 50points each Projects (Weeks 2, 4, 7) 120 points each Final Project (Week 9) 190 points Seminars are not graded
Discussion Posts Must be original and of good quality. Must make references to the course material. Must be 100 words for initial answer, at least 50 for responses to others. Must respond to two others for each thread. Must use proper grammar, punctuation, spelling, APA, and of course respectful.
HU 300:Assignments Week 2 - Analysis of a work of architecture and art Week 4 - Music in your life Week 7 - Happiness Interview Week 9 -Time Capsule
Seminar 1 HU 300 What are the Humanities?
Seminar 1 HU 300 What are some of the activities that children enjoy?
Seminar 1 HU 300 Do you have any of these areas as hobbies?
Seminar 1 HU 300 What skills could you learn from the Humanities that would make you a more effective critical thinker?
Seminar 1 HU 300 How might a study of the Humanities impact your future and career goals?
The Humanities/Creativity