Operational Excellence in Effort Reporting Conference Call: March 21, 2012 Vision Statement: Implement a compliant, streamlined, electronic effort reporting process by June 2012 that reduces administrative burden.
Agenda Topic Phase 1 System Testing IssuesAnne Connolly Campus Feedback: Phase 1 System TestingCampus Team Extra ServiceDonna Kiley IFR/Cost Sharing DepartmentMark Abbey Testing Timeline and ObjectivesAnne Connolly 2
Phase 1 System Testing Issues 3 IssueCauseSolution Missing principal investigators (self-certifiers) There was an issue uploading the certifier file to ecrt and the work around was to create an “Exclusion Department.” The missing people were placed in that department. There will not be an exclusion department in the upcoming testing phases. All PIs should be listed. Self-certifiers with effort more than 100 percent This occurs when rounding effort statements to whole numbers—particularly when a setting is in place to round effort up to 1 percent. Campus may decide to round to the hundredths instead of whole numbers. Attachments 1.No effort coordinator task created 2.Not able to upload Word or Excel file 1.There was an issue with the Attachment functionality. 2.You are not able to upload non-image files to ecrt as a security precaution to prevent malware. 1.The effort coordinator task issue was fixed for the Phase 2 System Testing environment. 2.Training/user help materials will include instructions that attachments must be in gif, jpg, tiff or PDF format. Payroll ReportA software upgrade to the TEST environment causes the Payroll Report to load slowly or not at all. This issue will be resolved for the Phase 2 System Testing Payroll suspense itemsCurrent RF processCentral office is still researching payroll suspense and this will be a discussion item on a future call
Campus Feedback: Phase 1 System Testing 4 CNSE University at Albany Binghamton University University at Buffalo Stony Brook University Upstate Medical University SUNY Downstate Medical Center SUNY ESF SUNY New Paltz Buffalo State College
Extra Service: Current Process 5 Employee TypeEarnings ElementExpenditure Type Oracle Effort Statement RF employeeExtra Service RF SWR Regular Exempt Extra Serv SWS Summer Exempt Extra Serv Not Included SUNY IFR employee Period Salary 1 SWR Regular Exempt Extra Serv SWS Summer Exempt Extra Serv Included * * Extra service payments are manually removed to correct the Oracle effort reports
Extra Service Discussion 6 Discussion item Is incidental work the same as extra service? Is extra service different than individual’s base duties (different job)? Is it incidental when extra service payments can be up to 20 percent of an individual’s salary? OMB Circular A-21, Section J.10.a Compensation for incidental work is not required to be included in the system utilized to report effort provided such work is separately identified and documented in the institution's financial management system.
Extra Service 7 If we do not certify extra service: Both employee types would be handled in the same manner The ecrt data feed would be modified to exclude the extra service expenditure types Effort reporting policy would be updated If we do certify extra service: Both employee types would be handled in the same manner The ecrt data feed would be modified Effort reporting policy would be updated ecrt offers supplemental effort statement functionality
Extra Service: ecrt Solution 8 Base effort statement Statement for an individual’s institutional base salary Extra service charges would not be included for RF or SUNY IFR employees SWR Regular Exempt Extra Serv SWS Summer Exempt Extra Serv Non-IBS effort statement Supplemental statement for an RF or SUNY IFR employee’s extra service SWR Regular Exempt Extra Service SWS Summer Exempt Extra Serv expenditure Would not include institutional base salary Nonsponsored activity would be auto-processed For example: Extra service payments from RF-Funded accounts
IFR/Cost Sharing Department 9 The issue: SUNY employees are assigned to the “SUNY IFR Cost Sharing” department in the Oracle people file SUNY employees have a “No Job Required” job title SUNY-monthly employees are included in this department in ecrt during the academic year when their salary charges are reimbursed to SUNY via the income fund reimbursable process Required Oracle set up for SUNY payroll processing SUNY-monthly employees that are paid by the RF during the summer will show up in their regular department in ecrt for that period
10 Oracle HR Assignment Form/Flexfield
IFR/Cost Sharing Department 11 Proposed solution: Leverage the assignment flexfield to capture department and job title information Flexfield would be made accessible to all campus locations
Scope of Work 12
Estimated Timeline 13 Collecting addresses, department assignments and job titles for SUNY staff
Updated ecrt Timeline 14
Phase 2 System Testing 15 Phase 2 March 26 – April 9 Anticipate sending testing package on Friday, March 23 Resolution of Phase 1 issues There will be NO exclusion department New test scripts Effort coordinator assignments based on campus input More user management 3 employee types: SUNY-Monthly, RF-Biweekly and RF-Non Exempt employees March 2012 SunMonTuesWedThurFriSat April
Phase 3 System Testing 16 Phase 3 April Resolution of Phase 2 issues Will include: Committed effort Fall 2011 – March 2012 data Actual department names instead of SUNY IFR/Cost Sharing Campus-specific changes and configurations Instructions for retroactive payroll distributions More refined effort coordinator roles and assignments April 2012 SunMonTuesWedThurFriSat
User Acceptance Testing 17 UAT May Resolution of Phase 3 issues Will walk through the entire ecrt workflow process Refined assignments for Effort Coordinators, Self-Certifiers, Proxies testing All data should represent what will be in the production environment May 2012 SunMonTuesWedThurFriSat
Summary Minutes from this meeting will be posted on the Operational Excellence in Effort Reporting Web pageOperational Excellence in Effort Reporting Web page Direct questions to: Anne Connolly Project Manager (518)