FIDIS & PRIME Project Views SecurIST Inaugural Workshop Brussels, Kai Rannenberg Goethe University Frankfurt
2 FIDIS Future of Identity in the Information Society ( PRIME Privacy and Identity Management for Europe (
3 Identity Management in the Information Society IT puts more HighTech on ID cards Biometrics to bind them closer to a human being Chips to add services (such as a PKI) Profiles may make the „traditional“ ID concept obsolete People are represented not by numbers or ID keys any more but by data sets. Identities become “a fuzzy thing”. New IDs and ID management systems are coming up Mobile communication (GSM) has introduced a globally interoperable „ID token“: the Subscriber Identity Module eBay lets people trade using Pseudonyms. Europe (the EU) consider joint IDs and ID management systems European countries have different traditions on identity card use. Compatibility of ID systems is not trivial. …
4 Joint Research Topics/Activities „Identity of Identity“ State of things, taxonomy Profiling Interoperability of IDs and ID management systems Forensic Implications De-Identification The HighTechID Mobility and Identity
5 Database IMS
6 First Results of IMS Comparison Main goal: usefulness Deficiencies concerning privacy and security functionality, and if realised: usability problems Digital evidence is not addressed (lack of liability / no non-repudiation), no support for law enforcement Identity theft is not prevented Little functionality, limited purposes No general solutions, no standards Trustworthy computer systems and infrastructure are still missing no trustworthy and secure IMS possible Business models: Service and software mostly free for users Today’s IMS: Playground for users & service providers
Page 7 PRIME Vision In the Information Society, users can act and interact in a safe and secure way while retaining control of their private sphere.
Page 8 PRIME Solution Approaches User focused identity management –Anonymous Credentials & Strong Pseudonyms –Obligation Management –New trust concepts (Trusted Computing, Assurance) –Attribute based access control –Support for Location Based Services and other application scenarios
9 Challenges and potential for FP 7 1/2 User policy-driven (determined) and privacy friendly access control Users are put in a trade-off Privacy vs. Gimmicks … and make them “feel” the results of their actions quickly. Graceful integration Interoperability of heterogeneous systems Standardisation within a developing field Respect for separations of domains that had been natural before A secure identity carrier beyond the chip card or SIM: TPM phones or PDAs? Careful evaluation of biometric patterns and mechanisms
10 Challenges and potential for FP 7 2/2 Security and Protection in applications along the value chain considering the views of the respective stakeholders (Multilateral Security) Take care of the “If the data is used for providing the service, we want them too”-Paradigm/Challenge/