1 EEA 2007 Belgrade Report: Marine/coastal Chapter WG on Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Geneva, November 27 – 29 Eva Royo Gelabert EEA, Project Manager Marine assessments Peter Kristensen EEA, Topic Centre on water
2 Seas and coasts included North East Atlantic Ocean (North Sea, Celtic-Biscay Shelf, Iberian Coastal) Baltic Sea Black Sea (& Sea of Azov) Mediterranean Sea Norwegian Sea Russian Arctic Barents Sea (& White Sea) Caspian Sea
3 Environmental and other issues covered 1.Eutrophication 2.Fisheries and aquaculture 3.Pollution from hazardous substances (& box on radionuclides) 4.Oil pollution 5.Invasive alien species 6.Coastal zones 7.Climate change 8.Policies and governance Russian translation
4 Current situation Marine environmental protection (and Maritime policy) high in EU agenda (But) EECCA environmental strategy does not give it so much importance (Therefore) High importance given to the sea in Report anyway (Nevertheless) Chapter was MUCH longer but has been cut It is still TOO LONG!! We cannot add new text unless we remove something from the existing text first Russian translation
5 Questions 1 (general) Structure: Are issues the right ones? (Key messages: Are the key messages complete and adequate?) UNDER DEVELOPMENT Length and relevance: Where to cut? Graphs and tables: Difficult to read/understand? Inaccuracies and outdated information: Where? Use the commenting tool consultation.ewindows.eu. org/reports/rep Russian translation
6 Questions 2 (data) Fishing in European seas: Data from Russian Arctic Sea, Black Sea and Caspian Seas over ( )? Pollution and water quality: Data for Eutrophication, Hazardous substances, and Oil ( )? Draft conclussions NGO meeting increase in the level of Caspian sea may cause possible flooding of contaminated sites, a few sentences can be added to reflect the issue. Russian translation
7 Significance of issues in EECCA- related seas: Now and in the future 1.Eutrophication: Baltic, Black and Caspian seas 2.Fisheries and aquaculture:Barents, Black and Caspian seas 3.Pollution from hazardous substances (& box on radionuclides): Russian Arctic and Barents Sea 4.Oil pollution: Russian Arctic and Barents, Black and Caspian seas 5.Invasive alien species: (Baltic, Barents), Black and Caspian seas 6.Coastal zones: Black and Caspian seas 7.Climate change: Big threat everywhere, more in the Arctic (= Russian Arctic, Barents Sea) 8.Policies and governance: Poor in EECCA generally