PRESENTATION ON THE WORK OF WORKING GROUP 6 ON BROADCASTING SERVICES DEVELOPMENT EACO Seminar for Chairpersons of National Regulatory Authorities 28 May 2015 Kigali Francis NGABO Dir. ICT SRMM – RURA V/Chairman WG6
Outline 1.Background 2.Status of Key Terms of Reference 3.Future work 28-May-15 PRESENTATION OF WG6 TO CHAIRPERSONS OF REGULATORY AUTHORITY 2
Background The Working Group 6 (WG6) on Broadcasting Services Development was created in The WG6 is constituted by National Broadcasting Regulators and Broadcasters with the following Structure: Chairman: Habi GUNZE TCRA – Tanzania V/Chairman: Francis NGABO RURA – Rwanda Rapporteurs: Elected for each meeting 28-May-15 PRESENTATION OF WG6 TO CHAIRPERSONS OF REGULATORY AUTHORITY 3
Since its inception, WG6 convened 6 meetings and developed based on the ToRs: 6 Technical Reports / Recommendations 1 Consultative document Four Studies are still on going and need extension. 28-May-15 PRESENTATION OF WG6 TO CHAIRPERSONS OF REGULATORY AUTHORITY 4
Status of Key Terms of Reference TERMS OF REFERENCEACTIVITIESDELIVERABLE 1. To make recommendations on the development of digital broadcasting Harmonization of methodologies and principles for determination of transmission fees by the signal distributors Report ready to be submitted during the Congress To formulate strategies to mitigate the challenges facing the EACO member states for completion of the analogue to digital migration Report ready to be submitted during the Congress 28-May-15 PRESENTATION OF WG6 TO CHAIRPERSONS OF REGULATORY AUTHORITY 5
TERMS OF REFERENCEACTIVITIESDELIVERABLE 1. To make recommendations on the development of digital broadcasting (Cont’d) To review and formulate harmonized technical standards for digital broadcasting Report ready to be submitted during the Congress To review the harmonized quality of service parameters for terrestrial digital broadcasting Report ready to be submitted during the Congress To study and redefine the role of Public Service Broadcaster (PSB) in the digital era On going 28-May-15 PRESENTATION OF WG6 TO CHAIRPERSONS OF REGULATORY AUTHORITY 6
TERMS OF REFERENCEACTIVITIESDELIVERABLE 2. To develop guidelines for content sharing, digital rights management and digital content management To develop strategies and regulatory frameworks for digital rights management and digital content management Document on areas of consultation with the relevant stakeholders has been developed. To develop guidelines for content sharing 28-May-15 PRESENTATION OF WG6 TO CHAIRPERSONS OF REGULATORY AUTHORITY 7
TERMS OF REFERENCEACTIVITIESDELIVERABLE 3. To develop performance statistics for the broadcasting industry in EACO member states Identify and harmonise broadcasting performance indicators Report ready to be submitted during the Congress Collection and analysis of data in relation to the harmonised broadcasting performance indicators Report ready to be submitted during the Congress 28-May-15 PRESENTATION OF WG6 TO CHAIRPERSONS OF REGULATORY AUTHORITY 8
TERMS OF REFERENCEACTIVITIESDELIVERABLE 3. To coordinate and follow up the work of the Sectoral Committee on Transport, Communications and Meteorology of EAC to facilitate the development of EACO’s recommendations or contributions relating to the work of the EAC To identify all EAC TCM directives for implementation by the WG Report Ready 4. To develop regulatory framework for emerging multimedia services To review report on the emerging multimedia services On-going. Formulate harmonised regulatory framework 28-May-15 PRESENTATION OF WG6 TO CHAIRPERSONS OF REGULATORY AUTHORITY 9
Future Work The next cycle of WG6 will continue working on the unfinished studies. Special focus will be put on emerging Broadcasting Services like: – Multimedia Broadcasting Services – Digital Broadcasting Services 28-May-15 PRESENTATION OF WG6 TO CHAIRPERSONS OF REGULATORY AUTHORITY 10