Agree Disagree 1._______ ________ 2._______ ________ 3._______ ________ 5._______ ________ 4._______ ________ An epidemic is worse than a pandemic. The U.S. has not had a disease epidemic since the year The flu virus mutates easily. Swine flu became a world wide outbreak. Pandemics are more deadly than epidemics.
Chapter 12, section 3 Disease Outbreaks
I. Epidemics A. Epidemic – higher than normal number of cases in a local or regional area. 1. city, state, within a country.
B. Modern Epidemics 1. Seasonal Flu 2. SARS (respiratory infection) 3. MRSA (bacterial infection)
2003 SARS Epidemic
Citywide MRSA Epidemic in Tempe, Arizona
Affects of Modern Transportation on Epidemics Simulation
Flu Epidemic
II. Pandemics A. Pandemic – higher than normal amount of infections throughout several countries or the world.
2009 H1N1 Swine Flu Pandemic
B. Caused by a virus mutating into a new strain that… 1. humans have little or no immunity 2. Easily transmitted
C. Pandemics are more fatal than epidemics.
III. Preventing Outbreaks A. Vaccinations – build immunity to viruses B. Quarantine – isolate infected humans
History of Pandemics
Agree Disagree 1._______ ________ 2._______ ________ 3._______ ________ 5._______ ________ 4._______ ________ An epidemic is worse than a pandemic. The U.S. has not had a disease epidemic since the year The flu virus mutates easily. Swine flu became a world wide outbreak. Pandemics are more deadly than epidemics.