FNAL STT Meeting H.Evans 8/9/99 Communication & Control H.EvansColumbia U. Overview of FRC Functions: Road Info STCs,TFCs –Device Independent Data Format SCL STCs,TFCs,ZVC(c.f. MBT) –L1 Info: to other boards –L2 Info: to Buffer Control –SCL Init L3 Buffers All(c.f. VRB) –Define Standard L3 Buffer Unit –Buffer Protocol Status/Mon. All –Init / Busy / Error –Monitoring Registers(c.f. MBT)
FNAL STT Meeting H.Evans 8/9/99 Roads + L1-SCL Init / Busy / Error G-Link Conv (CFT) FRC (road) SCL Mezz FRC (scl) FRC (buff-ctrl) SMT Fiber G-Link Conv (SMT) STC (clus) STC (assoc) 16 evt TFC (fit) TFC (format) TFC (xmit) L3 STC Clus-Buff (r-phi) L3 STC Clus-Buff (z) ZVC L3 STC Assoc- Buff L3 TFC Fit-Buff L3 FRC Road-Buff 1 evt L1CTT SCL Hub L2CTT MBT L1 Info L1 / L2 Buffer Control FRC (cntrl) Status STC (cntrl) Status TFC (cntrl) Status 16 evt
FNAL STT Meeting H.Evans 8/9/99 Road Data Format Control Info Required with each word –Valid Data –End of Event –CLK 3 Extra Bits for each word transferred
FNAL STT Meeting H.Evans 8/9/99 L1CTT Data Format See M.Martin:
FNAL STT Meeting H.Evans 8/9/99 L1CTT Glossary (Abridged) Header –P/NSome Trks w/ Pos/Neg Pt –No. PtxNo. of Trks in Pt Bin x Data –SSign of Trk –Pt BinPt Bin Number (0-3) –Ext. PtBin-1 (1.5-3 GeV)A-Offset Bin-2 (3-5 GeV)A-Offset Bin-3 (5-10 GeV)Pt-Info Bin-4 (10- GeV)Pt-Info –H/LTrk assoc w/ Hi/Lo PS Clust –ErrTransmission Errors –RPS Clust assoc in adjacent sect –PSC RARel. Addr of PS Clust –Rel H-Layer Fiber Number –IsIsolated Track –eIIsolated Electron –Trk AdrAddress of 4.5 o wedge of Trk
FNAL STT Meeting H.Evans 8/9/99 Serial Command Link Steal as much as possible from MBT –see MBT TDR (ver /24/99) L1 Accept –L1_TURN, L1_BX, L1_QUAL sent to: STCs, TFCs, ZVC(?) as 1st element of Road Data FRC Buffer Control to request next Buffer L2 Accept –L1_TURN, L1_BX, L3_TRAN_NO sent to: FRC Buffer Control to initiate Buffer Transfer
FNAL STT Meeting H.Evans 8/9/99 SCL (cont.) SCL Init Sequence Command Implementation 1) FRCRec Init from Hubmezzanine 2) FRCSend Init to all CardUser pin 3) FRCINIT_ACK to Hubmezzanine 4) FRC Clear L1/L2_ERRORmezzanine 5) AllReceive Init from FRCUser pin 6) AllRaise Local BusyVME stat reg 7) AllStart Init Sequence wait until all Inputs are clear send Init Done signal 8) FRCPoll all Local Stat RegsVME orWait for local init_ack’sUser pin 9) FRC Clear INIT_ACKmezzanine Have to be ready for SCL Init on any 132 ns SCL word !
FNAL STT Meeting H.Evans 8/9/99 Buffers and Control Steal from VRB / VRBC –see ESE-SVX (7/1/99) Possible System: FRC(buff) acts as Buffer Manager for all L3 Buffer Units in system –sends same control signals to all Units basically:Write to Buffer iL1 Acc Read from Buffer jL2 Acc –All buffer number management at FRC –control signals derived from L1/L2 SCL decouples SCL from rest of system (aside from road data) Use same L3 Buffer Unit on all cards –simplifies I/O –use L3 Buffer Unit on FRC ? Control Protocol = a subset of VRBC
FNAL STT Meeting H.Evans 8/9/99 L3 Buffer Unit Buffer (MPM) Cmd/Addr Decode RW Status Format/Xmit Route & Count Data Source Buffer Controller Output FIFO 16 evtInput FIFO Route & Count VME VBD Enable/Reset/Busy/Error Addr Error FIFO full Data Message Data Count/Ovfl C/OData Pointer Count / Status Busy/Error
FNAL STT Meeting H.Evans 8/9/99 VRB Buffer Protocol Messages: –12+2(?) bit Field on Ext Ctrl Port –Bits11..8Type 7..0Value –Control1..0Valid,CLK
FNAL STT Meeting H.Evans 8/9/99 Buffer Protocol (cont.) Status –in VRB: open collector TTL on J5/6 –OR of all modules
FNAL STT Meeting H.Evans 8/9/99 STT Control / Status Fast StatusUser pins –Event-by-Event Comm. w/ Trigger –Lines to FRC are OR of all boards –SCL Init / Restartfrom FRC –Busy / Error / Init Ackto FRC –Each board must define Actions for Init / Restart (w/in guidelines of SCL Init Sequence) conditions for Busy / Error MonitoringVME Regs –Steal from MBT (?) –Use Standard Monitoring Registers same memory maps
FNAL STT Meeting H.Evans 8/9/99 FRC To Do List (from BU) 4Check for Truncation Scheme Biases 4Define Road Info Data Format 6Decide Where Reformatting of L1CTT Info will be Done èDecide on Communications Medium 4Identify SCL Info Needed èDefine Data to L3 4Define Buffer Control Protocol èDefine Monitoring Data / Monitoring Control Long List of Internal FRC Decisions… 6Done 4First Pass èStill Pending