Leading From a Position of Limited Power L e a d i n g C h a n g e T h r o u g h C o l l a b o r a t i o n.


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Presentation transcript:

Leading From a Position of Limited Power L e a d i n g C h a n g e T h r o u g h C o l l a b o r a t i o n

Pollyanna Pixton President, Evolutionary Systems Founding Partner, Accelinnova L e a d i n g C h a n g e T h r o u g h C o l l a b o r a t i o n

Overview  Why Lead Up  When To Lead Up  Doing the Research  Manage Your Risks  How to Lead Up  Working Together  Integrity

Exercise Why Lead Up?

Leading Up When To Lead Up

When to Lead Up  Action from Manager  For Information to Succeed  Get Manager to Stand Back

When to Lead Up What else?

Leading Up Research

Where Does Your Manager Focus?

Research How Does Your Manager Define Success?

Research What are your manager’s ‘hot buttons’

Research Assess System:  Politics  Competition  Style Differences

Research Where is your manager on this scale: Command and Collaborative Control How do you define Command and Control? Collaborative Leadership?

Leading Up What are Your Risks

Managing Risks Your Risk Assessment

Managing Risks List Three Professional Options list 3 professional options

What About You?  What is your personal mission and vision?  What are you passionate about?  What do you do best?  How do you define success?  What do you want to do differently?  What do you fear?

Leading Up How To Lead Up

How to Lead Up Your Are Not Going To Change Your Manger

How To Lead Up Speak So You Can Be Heard

How To Lead Up Focus on Business Value!

How To Lead Up Practice a Forward Going Approach

Appreciative Inquiry Appreciative Inquiry:  Value What Is  Envision What Can Be  Discuss Next Steps  Basic Assumption: An organization and the people know the possibility. “Fall Forward !” Problem Solving:  Identify the Problem  Analyze the Causes  Plan the Actions  Basic Assumption: An organization is a problem to be solved.

Appreciative Inquiry Problem-Solving Orientation Appreciative Orientation PAST CURRENT STATE FUTURE ANALYZE & FILL THE GAP DISCOVER & REALIZE POSSIBILITIES QUESTIONS What’s Wrong? What Happened? Who’s to Blame? How Do We Fix It? What’s Working? Where’s the Passion? What’s Possible? How Do We Achieve It? QUESTIONS

Leading Innovation “ Organizations change in the direction in which they inquire. ” Inquire. Question. Listen.

How To Lead Up Remember: The opposite of control is discovery.

How To Lead Up Timing

How To Lead Up Deliver Results As Committed And Often

How To Lead Up Let It Be Their Idea

How To Lead Up  Trust your Intuition:  Listen, remember and trust your first thoughts  Rely on your ‘gut’ reaction for warning signals  Listen openly for the secondary messages  Collect data: note when you first thoughts have been accurate

How To Lead Up  Communicate, Often  Pass on results  Check in once per week, or daily  Find the best communication format

How To Lead Up Bring solutions, not just problems

How To Lead Up Find Common Ground

How To Lead Up Working with Different Leadership Styles

How To Lead Up Don’t take it personal. “I’ll get back to you on that.”

How To Lead Up Your most useful ‘How To’ ?

Leading Up Working Together

Working Together Create an Open Environment

Working Together Convene the Right People Who do you need in the room?

Working Together Build Trust

Exercise How do you build trust?

Leading Up Your Integrity

Exercise How do you define integrity?

Integrity What do you do when someone asks you to compromise your integrity?

Integrity Assessment First.  How much influence do they have?  Why have they made this request?  Why have they asked you?  What are the possible outcomes?  Can you talk about this with anyone in confidence? What do you think?

Integrity Possible Responses …

Integrity Present an Alternative

Integrity Question the Purpose: Inline with Corporate Goals and Objectives?

Integrity Express Reservations

Unleashing Innovation Tell Someone

Integrity Politely Refuse

Exercise  Role play: Pair up

Integrity You already said yes, now what?

Integrity Is there such a thing as situational integrity?

One final word…. Leading Up

… Maybe it’s time to leave? Leading Up

Integrity Summary  Assess the participants  Assess the options  List all possible outcomes  Assess the risks  Make a plan with best and worst case scenarios

Leading Up Summary

Leading Up Summary  Know when to lead up  Discover your leader’s style  Speak so your leaders can hear you  Hone your message, don’t just present problems, bring solutions  Manage your risk

Leading Up Summary  Your next steps…

Action Plan  What do you want to do?  How can you measure it?  By when?  How?  What obstacles might arrive?  Can you do anything to deter these obstacles?

References Watch out for articles that are manipulative! That said, these look interesting: - seekingsuccess.com/articles/art147.php3 - poynter.org/content/content_view.asp?id=5495 Look for ‘managing your manager’ or ‘leading up’

Contact Pollyanna Pixton:     