Cataloguing standards are evolving … still Renate Beilharz ALIA National Library and Information Technician’s Symposium 2015
(Tennant, 2002, p.1) (Ayre, 2015, p.1)
(Mader, 2014, slide p. 18)
Linked data SubjectpredicateObject Tasmanian devil : a unique … created by David Owen
Resource Description Framework (RDF) bf:creator esources/b ibs/ /
Tasmanian devil : a unique … David Owen written by David Pemberton work first published born format 1958 Volume 2011 has subject matter Tasmanian devil
Alan Chia (Lego Color Bricks) [CC BY-SA 2.0 ( via Wikimedia Commons
B BIBFRAME provides a foundation for the future of bibliographic description, both on the web, and in the broader networked world. BIBFRAME serves as a general model for expressing and connecting bibliographic data. (Library of Congress, n.d., para.1)
“What is BIBFRAME all about? It's not just recognizing that we are in a network world, but fully embracing that fact. It's about not just being on the web, but being of the web … [It’s about] getting our resources in the hands of our patrons. We want the search engines to work to our advantage.” Kevin Ford (Digital project coordinator in the Network Development and MARC Standards Office at the Library of Congress). (Library of Congress, 2014.)
(Library of Congress, 2012, p. 9)
Creative Work - a resource reflecting a conceptual essence of the cataloguing item. FRBR /RDA – Work and Expression (Library of Congress, 2012, p.9 )
Instance - a resource reflecting an individual, material embodiment of the Work. FRBR - Manifestation (Library of Congress, 2012, p. 9)
Authority - a resource reflecting key authority concepts that have defined relationships reflected in the Work and Instance. E.g. Person, Places, Topics, Organisations FRBR – Person, Family, Corporate body, Concept, Object, Place, Event (Library of Congress, 2012, p. 9)
Annotation - resource that decorates other BIBFRAME resources with additional information FRBR - Item (McCallum, 2012, slide 27)
bf:workTitle bf:titleStatement bf:subtitle bf:partTitle bf:originDate bf:originPlace bf:copyrightDate bf:dimensions bf:edition bf:extent bf:format bf:frequency bf:continuedBy bf:continue bf:derivativeOf bf:hasDerivative bf:instanceOf bf:hasinstance
Evolution ISBD | AACR2 | MARC FRBR | RDA | MARC FRBR | RDA | BIBFRAME (Meehan, p.14)
Standards FRBR/ISBD | RDA/AACR2 … | BIBFRAME/ Dublin Core/RDFS/FOAF / … (Meehan, p.16)
Work in progress “BIBFRAME [is] the format that we expect to replace MARC in the future … that could be two years, five years, but definitely is going to lead us into the linked data world.” Beacher J.E. Wiggins (Director for Acquisitions and Bibliographic Access at the Library of Congress) 2014 (Library of Congress, 2014.)
“So let’s agitate for library systems that leave MARC behind... Let’s make sure the process to replace MARC doesn’t take another decade, and that, when it is done, we end up with something that really will help us do our jobs and participate with the rest of the online community” Lori Bowen Ayre (Head of Galecia Group) Change in systems (Ayre, 2015, para 16)
Now what ? Sit back, wait and watch Learn about linked data* Consider the role of URIs in your current data Keep an eye on what is happening Be an agitator for change *Richard Wallis, Technology Evangelist, OCLC
Renate Beilharz e/cataloguing-standards-are-evolving- still/
References Ayre, L.B. (2015). MARC isn’t dying fast enough. Collaborative Librarianship 6(4), February 25. Retrieved from dying-fast-enough dying-fast-enough Library of Congress (2012). Biographic Framework as a web of data: linked data model and supporting services. Retrieved from Library of Congress (2014). BIBFRAME: update & practical applications [webcast]. Retrieved June 19, Library of Congress (n.d.). Bibliographic Framework Initiative. Retrieved from Mader, R. (2014) Sharing on the social web [Presentation]. Retrieved from McCallum, S. (2012). Bibliographic Framework Initiative approach for MARC data as linked data. Retrieved from ppt2003.pdfhttp:// ppt2003.pdf Meehan, T. (2014). The impact of Bibframe. Retrieved from Tennant, R. (2002). MARC must die. Library Journal, October 15. Retrieved from Wallis, R. (2015). Identifying the benefit of linked data [Webcast]. Retrieved from