WFC3 PIPELINE CDR Niall Gaffney October 16, 2001WFC3 and StarView Space Telescope Science Institute 2 of 9 Overview Java application; interface to search archive meta-data and create data retrieval requests. Web interface for science queries also exists. WFC3 will be another HST instrument for StarView – Driven by DADS and Keyword databases. – WFC3 implementation similar to aspect of WFPC2 and NICMOS. – Similar search forms (Association, Reference Files/OTFR, Instrument, and Calibration). > StarView team will work with WFC3 teams in design (layout and content) of forms. > Form(s) and functionality for TV to be delivered by April 2002.
WFC3 PIPELINE CDR Niall Gaffney October 16, 2001WFC3 and StarView Space Telescope Science Institute 3 of 9 StarView Example Here we would load a search form for WFC3 (STIS…). Note WFC3 information will also be seen in Quick, General, and other common Search forms.
WFC3 PIPELINE CDR Niall Gaffney October 16, 2001WFC3 and StarView Space Telescope Science Institute 4 of 9 Instrument Search WFC3 screen would be similar with WFC3 specific info. Similar detailed screens for other functionality (e.g. OTFR/ Reference file lookup). Can make searches that are unique for WFC3 if needed.
WFC3 PIPELINE CDR Niall Gaffney October 16, 2001WFC3 and StarView Space Telescope Science Institute 5 of 9 Other Features Tabular view of results (customizable). DSS image with overlay of HST apertures Ability to easily make custom forms with information in DADS database.
WFC3 PIPELINE CDR Niall Gaffney October 16, 2001WFC3 and StarView Space Telescope Science Institute 6 of 9 Data Previews Preview of 2d images – Smaller (800 800 lower resolution 8 bit integer) FITS images. Previews currently created by CADC. – WFC3 previews from them are currently under discussion.
WFC3 PIPELINE CDR Niall Gaffney October 16, 2001WFC3 and StarView Space Telescope Science Institute 7 of 9 Retrieval Selected datasets are marked for retrieval. Has “shopping cart.” Can add datasets manually by hand or from a text file. Can save shopping cart list to be used again later. Can resubmit retrieval requests Command line interface allows some automation.
WFC3 PIPELINE CDR Niall Gaffney October 16, 2001WFC3 and StarView Space Telescope Science Institute 8 of 9 Retrieval Submission Prompts user for information on what and how to retrieve. Can use archive retrieval keywords (calibrated data, uncalibrated…) or archive class and/or extensions to get exactly what is needed. New DADS system will extend functionality. – – CD/DVD delivery in addition to DAT and Exabyte tapes. – – Delivery with gzip compression option (saves ~20% from normal calibrated WFPC2 datasets). – – File Structure options (rather than all files in one directory).
WFC3 PIPELINE CDR Niall Gaffney October 16, 2001WFC3 and StarView Space Telescope Science Institute 9 of 9 Other Features of Note StarView can use the Proposal database to get abstracts, addresses, and look for conflicts. StarView can use the CDBS database to get detailed calibration information. StarView/VTT interface allows users to use archive information for planning future exposures and pointings (and to see how they were done in the past). Access to data from other instruments/missions for calibration and/or comparison. Demo/tutorials during breaks, after session, or on request.