UOFS Information System Version 0.9 Yaodong Bi Copyright 2009, Yaodong Bi
Software Requirements
Requirements - Steps 1. System definition 2. Identify actors 3. Identify use cases for each actor 4. Define business packages 5. Assign use cases to packages
System Definition UOFS maintains information about courses, students, and faculty. Registrar’s office decides what courses to be offered and who the instructor is. A student can register for and drop courses and view the grades Faculty file students’ grades for the courses he/she teaches. All users are required to sign in before using the system. All users can sign up and edit their account info.
Actors and Use Cases Register Course Student Registrar Faculty Actors Delete UserAdd CourseDelete Course Drop Course View Grade Add Grade Log out Edit Acct Sign in Sign up Shared by All Actors
Three Business Packages User Account Management –Manage (CRUD) user accounts Catalog Management –Manage the catalog (add/delete courses) Grade Management –Manage course registration –Manage grades Packages are determined based on the data each package is responsible for.
Catalog Management Grade Management Business Packages & Use Cases Register CourseAdd CourseDelete Course Drop Course View Grade Add Grade User Acct Management Sign in Log out Edit Acct Delete User Sign up
Software Design
Design - Steps 1. Each business package to a Java package 2. Each package has an Entity Manager which takes care of business logic. 3. Each entity manager access its entities from DB 4. Each use case has a dispatcher which takes care of presentation logic/flow 5. Each use case has multiple input/output forms which are the user interface.
Package Name Package Notations Dispatchers EntityManager Entity Classes Boundary Classes Each package contains Control Classes An entity manager: responsible for the business logic A dispatcher for each use case: responsible for presentation logic of the use case. Dispatcher defines interfaces for boundary classes. Boundary classes for UI Entity classes: entities that are CRUDed by the package
User Acct Management User Acct Management Package SignupDispatcher LogoutDispatcher EditAcctDispatcher DeleteUserDispatcher UserAcctManager StudentFacultyUser SigninForm SigninDispatcher SignupFormDeleteUserFormEditAcctForm
Catalog Management Catalog Management Package AddCourseDispatcherDeleteCourseDispatcher CatalogManager Course AddCourseFormDeleteCourseForm
Grade Management Grade Management Package DropCourseDispatcherAddGradeDispatcher ViewGradeDispatcher GradeManager Grade RegisterCourseForm RegisterCourseDispatcher DropCourseForm ViewGradeForm AddCourseForm
Database Design
Class Diagram: Entity Classes StudentFaculty Course User Grade take teach Registrar
Database Tables 16 Account idfnamelname Course idtitleinstructor Grade sidcidgrade unameaddresspasswdtype Note:Uname & passwd of User are for login purpose
Detailed Design
Detailed Design - Steps 1. Define System Start home 2. For each actor 1.Define a user home 2.Map all of its use cases to command buttons 3. For each use case 1.Identify all input forms and display 2.Identify user commands on each form 3.Dispatcher as click listener for command buttons 4.Dispatcher controls the interaction to user 4. Design RPC
System Start Home Display a welcome message and allows the user to log in or sign up May display other commands readily available to users before they log in After a user is successfully logged in, its user home is display. UofsIS System Start Home contains Sign in use case Sign up use case After a user sign in/sign up, his User Home is displayed Mapped to UofsIS.java
SystemStartHome System Start Home & Dispatchers Sign up Sign In Catalog Management Grade Management User Acct Management SignupDispatcher.begin() SigninDispatcher.begin() Command Button System Start Home Sign up Sign In Use Cases mapped to Buttons
User Homes Each user has a User Home The User Home is displayed after the user logs in The User Home contains all use cases of the user Each use case is represented as a command, for example, like a button. When the user selects a command, clicking the button, the user home calls the dispatcher of the use case to start the use case. The User Home may also contain context data, for example, a shopping cart. The User Home may be accessed by all the dispatchers of the use cases of the user.
Student Home Registrar Home Faculty Home User Homes & Use Cases Register CourseAdd Course Delete CourseDrop Course View Grade Add Grade Log out Edit Acct Delete User Edit Acct Log out Command Button Use case Use Cases mapped to Buttons
StudentHome User Home Hierarchy Register Course Drop Course View Grade Log out Edit Acct FacultyHome Add Grade Log out Edit Acct RegistrarHome Delete User Add Course Delete Course Log out Edit Acct UserHome setUserWelcome() onClick()
StudentHome Student Commands & Dispatchers Register Course Drop Course View Grade Log out Edit Acct CatalogManagement GradeManagement RegisterCourseDispathcer.begin() DropCourseDispatcher.begin() ViewGradeDispatcher.begin() UserAcctManagement LogoutDispatcher.begin() EditAcctDispatcher.begin() Command Button When a command button Is clicked, its use case is started
FacultyHome Faculty Commands & Dispatchers Add Grade Log out Edit Acct CatalogManagement GradeManagement AddGradeDispatcher.begin() UserAcctManagement LogoutDispatcher.begin() EditAcctDispatcher.begin() Command Button When a command button Is clicked, its use case is started
RegistrarHome Registrar Commands & Dispatchers Delete User Add Course Delete Course Log out Edit Acct CatalogManagement GradeManagement AddCourseDispatcher.begin() DeleteCourseDispatcher.begin() UserAcctManagement LogoutDispatcher.begin() EditAcctDispatcher.begin() DeleteUserDispatcher.begin() Command Button When a command button Is clicked, its use case is started
User Homes Package UserHomes StudentHome SystemStartupHome RegistrarHome FacultyHome Add Grade Log out Edit Acct CatalogManagement GradeManagement AddGradeDispatcher.begin() UserAcctManagement LogoutDispatcher.begin() EditAcctDispatcher.begin() Only Command buttons of Faculty Home are shown
Dispatchers Design Each dispatcher is associated with a sequence of input forms and displays of the use case Each form and display may contain widgets. Those widgets (e.g., buttons) represents user commands in the use case. For example, a Click event on a button may mean the user wants to submit data on the form. A dispatcher is also the event handler for the possible events generated from the widgets in the use case. Each button has a title which is used by the dispatcher to determine which button was clicked When an event is received, the dispatcher determines what should be the response and display it back to the user.
Dispatchers Design: EditAcct Use Case When the use case starts, EditAcctForm.java is executed to display the current info (by its dispatcher’s begin()) User enters info and then click the Submit button, EditAcctDispatcher.onClick() is called The onClick() determines Submit was the sender of the event (sender.getTitle() = “Submit”), it calls the UserAcctManager to update the user info in DB using RPC If info successfully updated, onSucess() of the RPC displays notification in a NotificationWindow.java with a Close button. EditAcctDispatcher is the ClickListerner of the Close button, so when it is clicked, the dispatcher determined its title is CloseOnSuccess, it terminates the use case by displaying the User Home. If update failed, onFailure() displays an error message in a NotificationWindow with a Close button The dispatcher is also the ClickListener this Close button, and its title is CloseOnFailure. It terminates the use case by display the User Home.
Dispatchers Design: EditAcct Use Case EditAcctDispatcher UserAcctManager NotificationWindow EditAcctForm student StudentHome EditAcct begin display submit onClick display update display - onSuccess close onClick RPC details are not displayed here. getUser
31 Web Server UserAcctManager GradeManager CatalogManager UserAcctManagerProxy GradeManagerProxy CatalogManagerProxy Web Browser Client Web Browsers Entity Manager – RPC Implementation UserAcctManagerImpl GradeManagerImpl CatalogManagerImpl Proxy packages contain all callback routines
GradeManagement CatalogManagement UserAcctManagement Web Server & DB Server 32 Database Server server8.cs.uofs.edu User Course Grade UserAcctManagerImpl GradeManagerImpl CatalogManagerImpl UserAcctManagerDAL GradeManagerDAL CatalogManagerDAL Web Server Heineken or host PgSQLManager JDBC DAL’s map Java objects to DB tables db DBManager
Other Packages Common Exceptions GUIWidgets NotFoundException OperationButtonNotificationWindowMore Custom Widgets Exceptions shared by all packages Custom widgets shared by all dispatchers Packages and component shared by all packages
The End!