Online Grocery shopping (Kancha Bazar) By The Group United DIU
Introduction “ In this era of globalization, the Internet has been increasingly used to facilitate online business transactions, not only between different business entities, but also between business entities and consumers. One of the Internet business applications that has received much attention in the last few years is Online Grocery Shopping (OGS). Online Grocery Shopping refers to the use of web sites by consumers to purchase grocery products by simply clicking the mouse button for the required items. As we know e-bay is very much profitable and popular e-commerce site in the world. Home delivery will then be made by the retailer. OGS has many potential benefits to consumers, particularly in terms of convenience and time-savings. In addition, the retailers will ultimately reap significant benefits as it will lead to more efficient use of personnel and simplification of building infrastructure. So, the benefits of having an online grocery shop can lead to the following s:- Reduce traffic in urban areas Saves customers time and hassle Benefit for retailer for low infrastructure cost
Objective Main objective of this project is to expedite the business and give relief to the customer to go the bazar in such mass population. Bangladesh currently does not have such online grocery shopping for consumers who goes regularly to bazar. Some online retail shop sites (Agora, Mina Bazar) are available for some targeted customers but it seems insufficient for wide range of people needs from all classes and social aspects. So this projects main objective is to automate Bazar shopping through internet giving consumers a easily understandable pictorial GUI and ensuring timely delivery of goods at the most optimized coast. So the idea of shopping to the mass people in BD will change radically and so shopping will be easier than ever.
Business Operations Admin will act as super user having all the privileges of registering market, blocking shoppers and managing types of Bazar. A navigation screen with appropriate menu items for necessary operations will be available after admin logins. Shopper will be able to register and upload necessary items along with pricing. A navigation screen with appropriate menu items for necessary operations will be available after user logins. Customer will be able to register and buy items. He/she will be able to see different pricings of the same product in different market’s ranking of the product according to the buying and selling trend and the health status of each product before coming to a optimized decision. Payment can be made by Cash on delivery(COD),credit card or paypal including VAT and transportation/shipping cost.
Business Operations (Continued) Use Case Model
Business Operations (Continued) Model Use Case
Platform for Implementation It will be developed on PHP technology with my SQL database platform. Macromedia Dreamweaver will be used as Code editor and designing tool. Target Usage As stated earlier, our target is mass people ranging from retail shop owners to every type of customers having access to the internet. We will try to keep the site as simple as possible for easy navigation and operational use keeping in mind of our target Users. Thank you
Target Usage Add a secure customer login and account persistence and ability to save Customer attributes and shopping cart details. Add the concept of a Seller, who can post and sell their items online. Add ability to search for a specific product. Add UI design with color and graphics.