Classroom doors open at 8:00. Students who eat breakfast are to go to cafeteria first, then go to their classroom. School bell rings at 8:20 followed by morning announcements. Tardy bell rings at 8:25. Dismissal 3:15 (M,T,Th,F) 2:15 Wednesday
Mrs. Gismonde is teaching Math and Science. Mrs. Green is teaching Reading, Language Arts, (Grammar, Spelling, Vocabulary, Writing) and Social Studies. Challenge each student every day to take control of their education.
Spelling AR Bear Reading Challenge
Math › Every Monday students will receive a homework page. › Each night one column is due Science › Monday: Define Each Word › Tuesday: Draw a picture › Wednesday: Write a sentence › Thursday: Study › Friday: Quiz
Signatures: Agendas are to go home each night and signed by parents/guardians Students daily behavior and participation is noted in the agenda. The three options are: 1. Green-Great day! 2. Yellow-Homework not turned in, not following classroom rules, etc. An explanation will be written by teacher. 3. Red-Extreme misconduct. An explanation will be written by teacher. You may also receive a phone call. 4. Blue- BEAR behavior above and beyond Please check and sign agendas every night including Fridays. Please Note: Clips can be moved up throughout the day
Students are expected to be at school everyday. They have a LOT to learn in a short amount of time. Please send in a note or doctor’s note (not written in agenda) with your child when they return to school so that their absence is marked as excused.
Family access is up and running. Enroll so you can check on your child’s grades. All of our grades are current and up to date! Upcoming Events: Science Fair is back
Student Devices › If your child has access to a device please start allowing them to bring it in. Textbook App › Bounce Pages Remind Me › Please pick up an invite
Please make sure you are checking our website weekly. If you would like any specific information please let us know
We have conferences as need but are always available per parent(s) request. We can conference via › Phone › In person › Before school › During planning (2:15-3:00 M,T,F)
If you would like to volunteer you will need to go to Lake County website to register. Under “Most Popular Links”, select “Volunteer information and Application” and follow instructions. › Level 1-allows you to be with students as long as you are in the teachers’ presence › Level 2- allows you to chaperone students We need volunteers for the School Store
Mrs. Green Mrs. Gismonde (for security reasons write your child’s initials in the )
Crayola Markers Playground Equipment Poster Board Treasure box items › Mini Candy Bars › Starbursts or Smarties › Mini Pencil Sharpeners › Pencil Grippers › Mini Erasers › Etc.