Acupuncture Treatment of Diseases Neurology 1: Stroke 中风
Definition: 1.Also known as Wind Stroke. Manifested as: Sudden collapse and LOC accompanied by deviation of the mouth, slurred speech and hemiplegia. Or.. Directly as a deviation of the mouth and hemiplegia without sudden collapse. 2.High incident and high death rate, affects the quality of life of the patient. 3.In western medicine, it include CVA diseases like Cerebral infarction, cerebral hemorrhage, cerebral embolism and sub-arachnoid hemorrhage.
Causes and Pathogenesis : 1.Meanly caused by pathogenic factors such as wind, fire, phlegm and blood stasis. 2.A state of Yin Yang imbalance caused by emotional factors such as sorrow, anger, physical or sexual over exertion resulting in the stirring up of wind and fire causing adverse upward flow of the Qi and Blood. 3. Preference to fatty foods can injure the spleen leading to accumulation of phlegm and dampness which can transform into heat and fire and provoke wind further.
Causes and Pathogenesis : 4.Proceed to>>> The combination and complex of the wind yang and phlegm will disturb the function of zang-fu and cloud the clear orifice of the brain resulting in a disturbance of qi and blood which manifest in a tense pattern ( 闭证 ). If the healthy qi ( 正气 ) is exhausted, the condition will manifest as a flaccid pattern ( 脱证 ),which indicates a separation of Yin and Yang. When the Wind-phlegm attacks the channel and collaterals, it blocks the flow of qi and blood leading to the disorder of the channels and collaterals. 5.The location of the disease is in the brain, but the heart, liver, spleen and kidney may also be affected.
Clinical Manifestations: For attacking channels types of Stroke ( 中经络 ). Chief symptoms: i.Hemiplegia. ii.Deviation of the mouth. iii.Slurred speech due to stiff tongue.
Clinical Manifestations: 1.For attacking channels types of Stroke ( 中经络 ). A.Wind-phlegm type i.Numbness of the limbs. ii.Dizziness. iii.Blurred vision. iv.Red tongue with white or yellow greasy coating. v.Wiry, slippery pulse.
Clinical Manifestations: B.Hyper-activity of liver-yang type i.Flushed complexion. ii.Red eyes. iii.Vertigo / Headache. iv.Restlessness and irritability. v.Bitter taste in the mouth. vi.Dry throat. vii.Constipation. viii.Dark urine. ix.Red tongue. x.Yellow coating. xi.Wiry, forceful pulse.
Clinical Manifestations: C.Qi deficiency and Blood Stasis type i.Feeble limbs. ii.Hemi-anesthesia. iii.Swelling and distension of the limbs. iv.Pale complexion. v.SOB. vi.Lassitude. vii.Dark red tongue with white coating. viii.Thready, rough pulse. ( 细涩 ).
Clinical Manifestations: For attacking zang-fu types of Stroke ( 中脏腑 ). Chief symptoms: i.Sudden collapse. ii.LOC or somnolence. iii.Hemiplegia. iv.Deviation of the mouth. v.Slurred speech due to stiff tongue.
Clinical Manifestations: 2. For attacking zang-fu types of Stroke ( 中脏腑 ). A.Tense pattern type ( 闭证 ). i.Clenched jaw. ii.Fisted hands. iii.Flushed complexion. iv.Coarse breathing v.Wheeziness with phlegm in the throat. vi.Retention of urine and feces. vii.Red tongue with thin coating. viii.Wiry, slippery and rapid pulse.
Clinical Manifestations: B.Flaccid pattern type ( 脱证 ) i.Closed eye but open mouth. ii.Flaccid / paralysis of limbs. iii.Incontinence. iv.Snoring, feeble breathing. v.Cold limbs. vi.Clear and profuse urine. vii.Pale tongue with white coating. viii.Thready, weak pulse.
Clinical Manifestations: B.Flaccid pattern type ( 脱证 ) proceeding… i.Profuse sweating. ii.Reddish cheeks. iii.Feeble, faint and floating pulse. Critical manifestation of an Externally Floating genuine-yang ( 真阳外越 ).
Treatment : General principle for attacking channels types of Stroke ( 中经络 ). Selection of main acupoints are mainly from the Yang channel, especially the yang-ming channels. Unblock the yang-ming channels to facilitate the flow of qi and blood to restore normal functions. Other supplementary points are selected based upon the channel location of the dysfunctions and disorders. Principle channels: 1.Upper limbs: LI and TE channel. 2.Lower limbs: GB, ST and BL channel.
Principle acupoints for attacking channels types of Stroke ( 中经络 ): For upper limbs 1.LI 4 Hegu 合谷. 2.LI 10 Shousanli 手三里. 3.LI 11 Quchi 曲池. 4.LI 15 Jianyu 肩禺. 5.TE 5 Waiguan 外关. For lower limbs 1.GB 30 Huantiao 环跳. 2.GB 34 Yanglingquan 阳陵泉. 3.ST 36 Zusanli 足三里. 4.ST 41 Jiexi 解溪. 5.BL 60 Kunlun 昆仑.
Supplementary acupoints for attacking channels types of Stroke ( 中经络 ): For upper limbs 1.TE 14 Jianliao 肩寥. 2.TE 4 Yangchi 阳池. 3.SI 3 Houxi 后溪. For lower limbs 1.ST 32 Futu 伏兔. 2.ST 33 Yinshi 阴市. 3.GB 39 Xuanzhong 悬钟.
Additional acupoints for attacking channels types of Stroke ( 中经络 ): For deviation of mouth 1.ST 4 Dichang. 2.ST 6 Jiache 颊车. 3.CV 24 Chengjiang 承浆. 4.LI 4 Hegu 合谷. 5.LR 3 Taichong 太冲. For slurred of speech 1.CV 23 Lianquan 廉泉. 2.HT 5 Tongli 通里. 3.GV 15 Yamen 哑门.
Prescription explanation (Principle acupoint): 1.Mainly from the yang-ming channel which are rich in qi and blood. 2.If qi and blood of yang-ming channels gets unobstructed, healthy qi will be supported and normal functions will be restored. 3.In addition, some other points in the yang channels of the limbs are selected based upon the channel location of the dysfunctions and disorders.
Principle of treatment 1.For attacking channels types of Stroke ( 中经络 ). A.Wind-phlegm type Regulate qi and blood dynamics, disperse wind and dissipate phlegm evils. Principle acupoints: as stated Supplementary acupoints: 1.GB 20 Fengchi 风池. 2.ST 40 Fenglong 丰隆.
Principle of treatment B.Hyper-activity of liver-yang type Regulate qi and blood dynamics and subdue hyperactivity of liver yang. Principle acupoints: as stated Supplementary acupoints: 1.LR 3 Taichong 太冲. 2.KI 3 Taixi 太溪.
Principle of treatment C.Qi deficiency and Blood Stasis type Tonify qi dynamics and invigorate blood. Principle acupoints: as stated Supplementary acupoints: 1.SP 6 Sanyinjiao 三阴交. 2.CV 6 Qihai 气海.
Treatment : General principle for attacking zang-fu types of Stroke ( 中脏腑 ). Tense pattern type ( 闭证 ). Pacify liver and extinguish wind. Clear heat and dissipate phlegm. Resuscitate unconsciousness and open blockages. Principle channels: 1.GV channel. 2.Twelve Jing-well acupoints. 3.LR channel. 4.ST channel and PC channel.
Principle acupoints for attacking zang-fu types of Stroke ( 中经络 ): Tense pattern type ( 闭证 ). 1.GV 26 Shuigou 水沟. 2.LR 3 Taichong 太冲. 3.ST 40 Fenglong 丰隆. 4.PC 8 Laogong 劳宫. 5.Twelve Jing-well acupoints. For clenched jaw: 1.ST 6 Jiache 颊车. 2.ST Xiaguan 下关. For slurred speech: 1.GV 15 Yamen 哑门. 2.CV 23 Lianquan 廉泉.
Prescription explanation (Principle acupoint): Tense pattern type ( 闭证 ). 1.GV 26 Shuigou 水沟, Twelve Jing-well Acupoints: chosen to open blockages and resuscitate unconsciouness. 2.LR 3 Taichong 太冲: Shu-stream and Yuan-source acupoint of the LR channel where qi of the viscera originates, passes and stays, chosen to pacify liver and suppress yang. 3.ST 40 Fenglong 丰隆 : Luo-connecting acupoint of the ST channel, chosen to dissipate phlegm. 4.PC 8 Laogong 劳宫: Ying-spring acupoint of the PC channel, chosen to clear away heat from the heart.
Treatment : General principle for attacking zang-fu types of Stroke ( 中脏腑 ). Flaccid pattern type ( 脱证 ). Restore Yang collapse. Principle channels: 1.CV channel.
Principle acupoints for attacking zang-fu types of Stroke ( 中脏腑 ): Flaccid pattern type ( 脱证 ). 1.CV 4 Guanyuan 关元. 2.CV 6 Qihai 气海. 3.CV8 Shenque 神阙. For slurred speech: 1.GV 15 Yamen 哑门. 2.CV 23 Lianquan 廉泉.
Prescription explanation (Principle acupoint): Flaccid pattern type ( 脱证 ). 1.CV 4 Guanyuan 关元: Crossing acupoint of the CV channel and the 3 foot yin channels, chosen to rescue the collapsed yang. 2.CV 6 Qihai 气海: Channel acupoint of the CV, chosen to cooperate with the other qcupoints and benefit qi and strengthen foundation of the body and rescue yang collaspe. 3.CV 8 Shenque 神阙: Channel acupoint of the CV, heavy moxibustion to recuse dying yang qi.
TCM medical advises: 1.Regular light diet habit avoiding raw, cold and greasy, pungent and spicy food. 2.Eat more vegetables and fruits. 3.Bowel training. 4.Stop smoking and drinking. 5.Physio regularly.