Ocean Observatories Initiative R2 User Training (Beta) - Session V June 5, ION R2 User Training on the Beta System Session V: Additional Operator Functionality Lynn Morgan CI User Engagement
R2 User Training (Beta) - Session V June 5, Agenda Related User Documentation Resources Reporting Issues User Training Beta System Access in the coming weeks ION Functionality & Discussion Items o Map Dashboard – Data Searching o Data Automated QC Functions o Aggregated Status o Subscription - subscribing and receiving alerts via o Command of Platform o Create a Resource o Resource as Primary o Deployments / Associations
R2 User Training (Beta) - Session V June 5, 2013 User Documentation (Pages below in progress – DRAFT) Automated QC Functions Automated+Quality+Control+Functions Subscribe to a Resource Subscribe+or+Unsubscribe+to+a+Resource Deployments Deployments Designate a Resource as Primary Designate+a+Resource+as+Primary Create a New Resource Create+a+New+Resource 3
R2 User Training (Beta) - Session V June 5, 2013 Reporting Issues Report Issue in upper right menu o It automatically opens an window with pre-populated information from the system. Or Either way a Jira ticket is created o Subject line is Title of ticket o Body of is Description of ticket o Attachments are associated with ticket o Should receive a confirmation of ticket and that they can then "reply" to that thread to further communicate about issue. Issues/Questions tracked in Jira w/ beta_training_input Need immediate assistance, call Lynn
R2 User Training (Beta) - Session V June 5, 2013 User Training Completed Session I – Roles, Policies, & Access Session II – System Orientation & the New Dashboard Session III – Commands, Manual Entries, & Attachments Session IV - Lifecycle States, Editing Info, Status Session V – Additional Operator Functionality Planned with individual IOs (still in progress) Session III-b – Direct Access Additional training as needed to ready for deployments o for additional needs Production System Training, open to wider audience will be planned in conjunction with PRR 5
R2 User Training (Beta) - Session V June 5, 2013 Access to Beta System Should be available with the exception of a few hours a week for updates incorporated in 1 or 2 re-boots Downtime will be posted on front page of User Documentation at /User+Documentation 6
R2 User Training (Beta) - Session V June 5, 2013 Automated Data Quality Control Flag Functions These are the generic, automated QA/QC functions that will be applied to various OOI data products. ( 7 Global Range Test (implemented end to end) o falls within a give range. Spike Test (implemented end to end) o individual data values that deviate significantly from surrounding data values. Stuck Value Test (implemented end to end) o repeated occurrence of one value in a time series. Polytrend Test o tests a time series for whether the data contain a significant portion of a polynomial. Local Range Test o testing if measurements fall into a user-defined valid range, varies with measurement location. Gradient Test o changes between successive data points fall within a certain range. Propogate Flags o propagates "bad" qc flags to another (derived) dataset. Global Range test is only one calculated real-time. Expensive to calculate, others set for regular calculation for alerts. Subscribing to alerts will be via the parsed data product. Calculated also on download of parsed data product but will add significant time so should be unchecked for if not needed for general science interest.
R2 User Training (Beta) - Session V June 5, 2013 ION Functionality Map Dashboard – Data Searching Data Automated QC Functions o All seven implemented, 3 (blue) in now end to end o Only global range is real-time, others regularly & at download o Parsed data product alert can be subscribed to Aggregated Status Subscription - subscribing and receiving alerts via Command a Platform Create a Resource Resource as Primary Deployments/Associations 8
R2 User Training (Beta) - Session V June 5,
R2 User Training (Beta) - Session V June 5,
R2 User Training (Beta) - Session V June 5, For additional info see
R2 User Training (Beta) - Session V June 5, 2013 Beta Findings Reporting? Beta Testing Pathfinder Beta User Training 12