Relative Clause 關係從句 Miss Cheng (Olivia). 常用的 Relative Pronoun 關係代名詞 Who ( 人 ) That ( 事物 ) Which ( 事物 ) Where ( 地方 ) Whose ( 擁有 / 誰的 …)


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Presentation transcript:

Relative Clause 關係從句 Miss Cheng (Olivia)

常用的 Relative Pronoun 關係代名詞 Who ( 人 ) That ( 事物 ) Which ( 事物 ) Where ( 地方 ) Whose ( 擁有 / 誰的 …)

關係代名詞 (Relative Pronoun) 是說明它前面的 東西 ( 人 / 事 / 物 ) 。 即你要把 Pronoun (who, which….) 放在要說明 的東西後面。 The lady who likes cheesecakes is my aunt. 你要說明 ”the lady”, 所以把 ”who” 放在她後面 Relative clause: who likes cheesecakes

Defining Clause (No comma) 限制性從句 - 說明 / 指明人和事 -Defining Clause 不用加 comma 即逗號 我在課上說了, 在課室裡戴帽的男生是 Peter, 班裡有很多男同學, 你要指明誰是 Peter. The boy who wears a hat is Peter.

Non-defining Clause (with comma) 非限制性從句 Add information ( 補充、添加資料 ) My uncle, who works in Wan Chai, can help you. 這裡你不是要指明誰是你的叔叔, 你只是描述你的叔叔, who works in Wan Chai 只是補充你的描述

1.The man called an ambulance. His son was in accident. The man

1.The man called an ambulance. His son was in accident. The man whose son was in accident

1.The man called an ambulance. His son was in accident. The man whose son was in accident called an ambulance.

1.The man called an ambulance. His son was in accident. The man whose son was in accident called an ambulance.

Negative examples ( 反面教材 ) 1.The man called an ambulance whose son was in accident. 2. The man who was in accident called an ambulance. 3.The man called an ambulance who son was in accident.

1.The man called an ambulance. His son was in accident. The man whose son was in accident called an ambulance.

3. My brother Jimmy is a lawyer. He lives in London. My brother Jimmy

3. My brother Jimmy is a lawyer. He lives in London. My brother Jimmy, who lives in London

3. My brother Jimmy is a lawyer. He lives in London. My brother Jimmy, who lives in London, is a lawyer.

3. My brother Jimmy is a lawyer. He lives in London. My brother Jimmy, who lives in London, is a lawyer. My brother Jimmy, who is a lawyer, lives in London. 也正確

4. Jacky is away from home a lot. His job involves a lot of travelling. Jacky,

4. Jacky is away from home a lot. His job involves a lot of travelling. Jacky, whose job involves a lot of travelling,

4. Jacky is away from home a lot. His job involves a lot of travelling. Jacky, whose job involves a lot of travelling, is away from home a lot.

**5. I have sent her three letters. She has received neither of these letters. She has received neither of these letters that/which

**5. I have sent her three letters. She has received neither of these letters. She has received neither of these letters that/which I have sent her. 80 分的答案

**5. I have sent her three letters. She has received neither of these letters. She has received neither of the three letters that/which I have sent her. 100 分的答案

重要 * 關係代名詞 (Relative Pronoun) 是說明它前面 的東西 ( 人 / 事 / 物 ) 。 你現在要說明信件, 哪些信件 ? 我寄給她的 那 3 封信件 ! 所以你要把 Relative Pronoun 放在 letters 後 面 *** She has received neither of the three letters that/which I have sent her.

8. A girl was injured in the accident. She is now in hospital. A girl

8. A girl was injured in the accident. She is now in hospital. A girl who was injured in the accident

8. A girl was injured in the accident. She is now in hospital. A girl who was injured in the accident is now in hospital.

8. A girl was injured in the accident. She is now in hospital. A girl who was injured in the accident is now in hospital. A girl who is now in hospital was injured in the accident. Both are correct. The 1 st one is a better answer though.

9. The bus goes to the airport. It runs every half hour. The bus

9. The bus goes to the airport. It runs every half hour. The bus that/which goes to the airport

9. The bus goes to the airport. It runs every half hour. The bus that/which goes to the airport runs every half hour.

9. The bus goes to the airport. It runs every half hour. The bus that/which goes to the airport runs every half hour. √ 去機場的巴士每半小時一班。 The bus that/which runs every half hour goes to the airport. 每半小時一班的巴士去機場。  ( 去碼頭的巴士, 過 海巴士也可以是半小時一班啊 …  )

時間有限, 無法說明所有內容, 只把重點簡約的 說出來, 請同學們不要單靠這個 powerpoint 溫習 可參考這個網頁 : 關係代名詞 網站 – Relative Clause 簡單而言就是 : 「主體先出來,說明跟在 後面」 關係代名詞 網站 深奧的專有名詞不用死背 加油