Crossing the Barrier: Integrating GIS beyond the Land Records Arena Ken Curry Land Records Coordinator Land Records Department Trempealeau County Greg Leonard Soil & Water Conservationist Land Conservation Dept. Division of Land Management Trempealeau County
Crossing the Barrier Trempealeau County experienced a complete Land Records staff turnover in Fall 2000 Trempealeau County replaced both coordinator and technician positions in the spring of 2001 Current priority for Land Records involves completion of parcel mapping in unincorporated areas Land Records time is limited in regard to developing data for other departments County financial resources are limited in terms of contracting data development However, other departments have expressed a need for specific data to be developed beyond parcels
Crossing the Barrier Objective became establishing an environment conductive for data development beyond the Land Records Department Three mechanisms exist that facilitate data development objective 1.Encourage staff involvement in Land Records (GIS) activities through participation in a Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) TAC environment promotes education of and awareness of existing GIS technologies and potential uses throughout the county TAC provides the opportunity to integrate GIS technologies into other departments work flow and promote data development in these departments
Crossing the Barrier 2.Land Records staff facilitate data development by contributing targeted resources that do not severely limit parcel mapping tasks Land Records staff involved in planning and developing data collection methodologies Land Records staff develop applications to facilitate data collection and insure adequate level of QA\QC Land Records staff review the design and development of databases for structural elements, functionality and usability Land Records staff integrate newly developed data with existing data model (accessibility)
Crossing the Barrier 3.Land Records Department developed and now teaching GIS training courses Classes involve introduction to software and data models used in Trempealeau County (ArcView 3.x) Team taught with Division of Land Management GIS staff, which further promotes integration and cooperation between departments Future courses to be developed include advanced GIS techniques and transitioning to ArcGIS environment
Crossing the Barrier The Land Records Department continues to maintain parcel mapping at a consistent pace, while... Data Development Projects in other departments include: 1. E 911 Address locations 2. Mine Locations 3. Wells ( planning stage ) Trempealeau County’s land information program relies on an environment that promotes data development internally through the combination of resources, varying expertise levels and a great deal of cooperation. Getting others actively involved.Getting others actively involved.
Crossing the Barrier Where we are going with you… Point A Point B
Crossing the Barrier Land Conservation Department “Soil and Water Conservation” – Erosion Control Cropland Site Specific – Manure Management Cropland Site Specific – Technical Assistance – Financial Assistance – Referral and coordinating with other agencies
Crossing the Barrier Oct 1938 Beaver Creek Soil Cons. District (first in the state of Wis.) Tremp. Co. Soil & Water Cons. District form by County Board March 15, DNR non-point watershed projects 2 DATCP funded projects FLP (most contracts in the state) First county in the state to pass a metallic mining ordinance
Crossing the Barrier Creation of Division of Land Management – Structured Coordination – Avoid duplication of services or overlap – Stability – Automation
Crossing the Barrier Automation…. where do we start? – Conservation plans (cropland erosion) – Nutrient management plans (cropland manure mgt.) – Structure designs (site specific erosion and manure mgt.) All dressed up and no place to go… yet Priorities
Crossing the Barrier Reasons we picked NR-135 Non metallic & metallic mines New Get going before we are behind “The Challenge”
Crossing the Barrier “What is a mine?” – Under 1 acre to 320 acres – Multiple landowners – Multiple mines under one landowner or operator – All need C.U.P. even less than 1 ac. – Only if over 1 acre need reclamation plan – operator is responsible for reclamation, and not owner… most are leased with leases not recorded. – Access road is considered part of the mine also… this could involve additional leases
Crossing the Barrier Active vs. Inactive vs. Reclaimed portion of a mine – DNR and NR-135 only for active portion of a mine – Zoning and C.U.P. for all portions of the mine – Access Roads
Crossing the Barrier Active mines change through the year Use this to track the progress of a mine through its life A spatial change that can occur, but not necessarily a change in data. A very dynamic dataset - not static We will also be doing compliance checks through the year.
Crossing the Barrier That is a little background Point A Point B
Crossing the Barrier
What is next? – Erosion Control Cropland Site Specific – Manure Management Cropland Site Specific – Technical Assistance – Financial Assistance