1 Nutrients Review Jeopardy CarbohydratesProteinsVitaminsMineralsFatsWater Intro
11/16/20152 Carbohydrates 100 These carbs provide instant/temporary energy These carbs provide instant/temporary energy timer
11/16/20153 Carbohydrates Carbohydrates that provide fiber for the digestive system Carbohydrates that provide fiber for the digestive system Carbohydrates that provide fiber for the digestive system
11/16/20154 Carbohydrates Serve starchy carbohydrates with high fat meats to aide in… Serve starchy carbohydrates with high fat meats to aide in… Serve starchy carbohydrates with high fat meats to aide in…
11/16/20155 Carbohydrates Potatoes, beans, peas, bread, cereal are important sources of this type of carbohydrate. Potatoes, beans, peas, bread, cereal are important sources of this type of carbohydrate Potatoes, beans, peas, bread, cereal are important sources of this type of carbohydrate
11/16/20156 Carbohydrates The number of calories in one gram of carbohydrates. The number of calories in one gram of carbohydrates The number of calories in one gram of carbohydrates
11/16/20157 What is protein?
11/16/20158 What are carbohydrates?
11/16/20159 What are complex carbohydrates?
11/16/ What are simple carbohydrates?
11/16/ What is digestion?
11/16/ What is pasta?
11/16/ What is four?
11/16/ Proteins 100 Supplies energy when carbohydrates and fats are depleted. Supplies energy when carbohydrates and fats are depleted.
11/16/ Proteins 200 A type of protein that contains 9 essential amino acids A type of protein that contains 9 essential amino acids
11/16/2015Beryl Jackson Lake Noran High School16 Proteins Builds repairs and helps to maintain the body Builds repairs and helps to maintain the body Builds repairs and helps to maintain the body
11/16/ Proteins Number of calories in one gram of protein Number of calories in one gram of protein Number of calories in one gram of protein
11/16/ Proteins Proteins are made up of small units called Proteins are made up of small units called Proteins are made up of small units called
11/16/ What is marbling?
11/16/ What is a complete protein?
11/16/ What is protein?
11/16/ What are amino acids?
11/16/ What is nine?
11/16/ Vitamins 100 These vitamins are not stored in the body These vitamins are not stored in the body These vitamins are not stored in the body These vitamins are not stored in the body
11/16/ Vitamins 200 Seek the advice of physician or dietitian before taking.. Seek the advice of physician or dietitian before taking.. Seek the advice of physician or dietitian before taking.. Seek the advice of physician or dietitian before taking..
11/16/ Vitamins 300 Acts as an antioxidant to protect blood and lung cells. Acts as an antioxidant to protect blood and lung cells. Acts as an antioxidant to protect blood and lung cells. Acts as an antioxidant to protect blood and lung cells.
11/16/ Vitamins Organ meats, dark leafy green vegetables, eggs oils, and liver are rich sources of this vitamin. Organ meats, dark leafy green vegetables, eggs oils, and liver are rich sources of this vitamin. Organ meats, dark leafy green vegetables, eggs oils, and liver are rich sources of this vitamin.
11/16/ Vitamins We break down protein, fat and carbohydrate and help the body use calcium and phosphorus We break down protein, fat and carbohydrate and help the body use calcium and phosphorus We break down protein, fat and carbohydrate and help the body use calcium and phosphorus
11/16/ What are supplements?
11/16/ What is a nutrient?
11/16/ What are water soluble vitamins?
11/16/ What is Vitamin A ?
11/16/ What is Vitamin E ?
11/16/ What is vitamin D?
11/16/ What is Vitamin K?
11/16/ What are the B- Complex vitamins?
11/16/ What is Vitamin C or Ascorbic Acid?
11/16/ What are vitamins?
11/16/ Minerals Promotes normal functioning of the thyroid gland Promotes normal functioning of the thyroid gland Promotes normal functioning of the thyroid gland
11/16/ Minerals This mineral combines with protein to make hemoglobin. This mineral combines with protein to make hemoglobin. This mineral combines with protein to make hemoglobin.
11/16/ Minerals Improves acid, alkali balance in the body and found in milk, yogurt, cheese, salmon and spinach Improves acid, alkali balance in the body and found in milk, yogurt, cheese, salmon and spinach Improves acid, alkali balance in the body and found in milk, yogurt, cheese, salmon and spinach
11/16/ Minerals 400 A disease risk that is REDUCED by limiting the amount of salt and sodium in the diet. A disease risk that is REDUCED by limiting the amount of salt and sodium in the diet. A disease risk that is REDUCED by limiting the amount of salt and sodium in the diet. A disease risk that is REDUCED by limiting the amount of salt and sodium in the diet.
11/16/ Minerals Mineral found in the greatest amount in the body and Help builds bones and teeth and blood to clot. Help builds bones and teeth and blood to clot.Help builds bones and teeth and blood to clot.
11/16/ What is osteoporosis?
11/16/ What is calcium?
11/16/ What is iron?
11/16/ What are minerals?
11/16/ What is hypertension or high blood pressure?
11/16/ What is Iodine?
11/16/ Fats 100 Total calories from fat should not exceed Total calories from fat should not exceed Total calories from fat should not exceed Total calories from fat should not exceed
11/16/ Fats 200 A fat found in meat is this type of fat. A fat found in meat is this type of fat. A fat found in meat is this type of fat. A fat found in meat is this type of fat.
11/16/ Fats 300 Insulates the body from shock and temperature changes. Insulates the body from shock and temperature changes. Insulates the body from shock and temperature changes Insulates the body from shock and temperature changes
11/16/ Fats 400 Vegetable oil contains this type of fat. Vegetable oil contains this type of fat. Vegetable oil contains this type of fat. Vegetable oil contains this type of fat.
11/16/ Fats 500 Saturated and unsaturated Saturated and unsaturated Saturated and unsaturated Saturated and unsaturated
11/16/ What is energy?
11/16/ What is butter?
11/16/ Lipid
11/16/ What is hair?
11/16/ Saturated fats, cholesterol, and salt
11/16/ What are fats?
11/16/ What is 10%?
11/16/ What are fats and simple carbohydrates (sugars)?
11/16/ What are saturated fats?
11/16/ What is unsaturated fat?
11/16/ Water Recommended daily consumption Recommended daily consumption Recommended daily consumption
11/16/ Water Water plays a vital role in the transportation of these and other substances in throughout the body. Water plays a vital role in the transportation of these and other substances in throughout the body. Water plays a vital role in the transportation of these and other substances in throughout the body.
11/16/ Water Water has been removed from products that labeled evaporated or… Water has been removed from products that labeled evaporated or… Water has been removed from products that labeled evaporated or…
11/16/ Water Water transports… Water transports Water transports
11/16/ Water Helps facilitate chemical_____ Helps facilitate chemical_____ Helps facilitate chemical_____
11/16/ What is 8 glasses?
11/16/ What is water?
11/16/ What are joints and cells?
11/16/ What is waste?
11/16/ What are nutrients?
11/16/ What are reactions?
11/16/ concentrated