Political Challenges Chapter 9 Section 2
India’s Government Federal government (a group of states that are subordinate (lower rank) to the central government-like the US) 25 states, 7 territories India’s federal government is more powerful than the US
India’s Government Parliamentary Democracy (based on the British government) President is the head of the country-has very little power Prime minister is the leader of the party that wins the most seats in parliament-has most of the power
India’s Government 2 houses of parliament Council of State: members chosen by________________ (see pg 205) House of the People: member chosen by ________________ (see pg 205) More powerful State legislatures the people
Summary How is India’s government similar to the the US’s government?
Political Parties Political parties represent the interests of: (see pg 206) different castes, languages, religions Anyone over 18 can vote Many cannot read so they use symbols to represent the party
Political Parties Main Parties are: (see pg 206) Congress Party-helped to win independence Bharata Janata-stress Hindu traditions If no party wins the majority, then several parties join together to rule-Coalition Often doesn’t accomplish much because they can’t agree
Dividing Forces Caste system Efforts to help lower castes/poor is met with strong opposition from upper castes/wealthy Untouchable caste is illegal according to the constitution Government sets aside jobs for this caste Even so, they are not fully accepted by other Indians.
Dividing Forces Cultural Diversity WHY? (see pg 206) Different ethnic and language groups demand their own states Sikh Separatism (Islam/Hindu combo) Believe in 1 god Don’t believe in caste system Think they should have more political power Want to form a separate country
Dividing Forces Hindu-Muslim Clashes Muslim built a mosque on the birthplace of Rama Hindus say Muslims torn down temple to Rama Bharata Janata party leader called on Hindus to destroy the Muslim mosque Lots of violence, especially when the Hindu temple began
Unifying Forces What things have brought Indians together? (see pg 208) Commitment to democratic traditions Common religious faith of Hindus Strong leaders Modern communication
India’s Leaders Jawaharlal Nehru-led for 17 years after independence Wanted India to be casteless Wanted India to be secular (no official religion)
India’s Leaders Indira Gandhi- Nehru’s daughter was elected NO relation to Mahatma Wanted to modernize India Was killed by her bodyguards
India’s Leaders Rajiv Gandhi Indira’s son was elected Also murdered After his death, there is a realization of the need to balance the demands of rival political parties
Assignment Why is it important to know how a different country’s government operates?