Electronic Records Management Implementation Assignment: Favela Enterprises San Jose State University Rosita Favela MARA 249
Description of the Organization The company Favela Enterprises is a large and highly diverse multinational corporation that has interest in multiple areas. The company is involved with pharmaceutical research, exploration, production and manufacturing. Favela Enterprises has over 25 departments and 10 manufacturing plants in local and foreign jurisdictions. Favela Enterprises is in desperate need of a Records Management Program that will meet the needs of such a diverse and sizeable company. One of the main problems facing Favela Enterprises is implementing a program that will facilitate, preserve and maintain their electronic records.
Concerns, issues, problems that require action In many large distributed organizations there is a general culture of independence at the business unit or workgroup level, so trying to mandate new records management practices for electronic records may be an uphill battle. ( Fenner, & Medina, 2005). Staff had limited communication with departments or management and did not use current technology. There are often significant issues with Electronic Record Management at the departmental level (Fenner, & Medina, 2005). – standards for managing electronic information – Ineffective communication – Outdated practices – little or no training around general document management A significant challenge was that only 24% of 25 departments had approved electronic records retention schedules in place.
Project Purpose and Program Execution Conduct a preliminary investigation, perform an initial high-level assessment of Favela Enterprises administrative, legal, and business environments to determine what actually needs to be taken care of (Weise, 2010). Analyze business activity (Weise, 2010). Identify requirements for electronic records; one of the concerns of Favela Enterprises was lack of retention schedule (Weise, 2010). Assess existing systems; determine what systems are in place and which ones benefit and do not benefit the records stored (Weise, 2010). Determine which policies, procedures, and tactics are necessary in order to create the appropriate electronic records control framework (Weise, 2010). Ensure Implementation of Electronic Records management program that meet the specifications Favela Enterprises specifically requested. Conduct post-implementation review, review the program as delivered and the delivery process to identify gaps and areas for improvement (Weise, 2010).
A Summary of the Major Benefits Program Implementation One of the first changes made after implementing the program involved restructuring staffing and employing a new electronic record affiliated staff members (Grudman, 2008). The program acts primarily as an advisor to all 25 departments, about 18,000 employees (Grudman, 2008). – Guides departments on how to manage electronic content, including official records and documents – Maintains enterprise-wide records policies and the global records retention policy – Assists departments development records retention policies – Manages contracts for third-party unrelated vendors and offsite storage, scanning, and software contracts – Sets department-wide performance goals for improvements One of the main objectives for reinventing the program was to adjust the mindset of both the staff in the program and those departments that receive its services (Grudman, 2008).
Analysis of Business Activity and Resources Almost 10,000 boxes had no destruction date, and about 2,000 boxes were stored well past their destruction date. – Nearly 15,000 boxes stored at an offsite storage facility at a cost of almost $90,000 per year (Grudman, 2008). Advantages in implementing Electronic Records Management Program (Edmund, 2009): – Convenience of use – Information is more organized and easier to read compared to paper records – Simultaneous access to multiple users – Improved efficiency of processes such as data collection, data management and data retrieval Disadvantages in implementing Electronic Records Management Program (Edmund, 2009): – High initial investment – Failures in hardware or software can result in loss of information
Reference List Edmund, L., Ramaiah, C., & Gulla, S. (2009). Electronic medical records management systems: An overview. Journal of Library & Information Technology, 29(6). Retrieved from 8ca6-6f c57%40sessionmgr112&vid=9&hid=105 Fenner, J., & Medina, R. (2005). Controlling your documents. Information Management Journal, 39(1), Retrieved from 85ff-223d2073f86e%40sessionmgr112&vid=8&hid=105 Glaser, J., & Sett, J. (2012). Using technology to reveal true costs. Healthcare Financial Management, 66(2), Retrieved from 85ff-223d2073f86e%40sessionmgr112&vid=50&hid=105 Grudman, R. (2008). Mapping an approach for successful content management. Information Management Journal, 42(5), Retrieved from 85ff-223d2073f86e%40sessionmgr112&vid=17&hid=105 Kudyba, S., & Rader, M. (2010). Conceptual factors to leverage business intelligence in healthcare: Electronic medical records, six sigma and workflow management. Northeast Business & Economics Association, Retrieved from 85ff-223d2073f86e%40sessionmgr112&vid=46&hid=105 Weise, C. (2010). Implementing electronic records management: A lot more than software. Infonomics, 24(1). Retrieved from 8ca6- 6f c57%40sessionmgr112&hid=105&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ %3d%3d#db=llf&AN=