Pillar 2: Empower women as key change agents Pillar 3: Forge Partnership with Local Gov’t End of Hunger and Poverty (MDGs) in rural areas Pillar 1: Mobilize for Self-Reliant Action Sustainable, People-Centered Integrated Development
Africa Epicenter Strategy VCA Animators TOTs EpiComs 50% of leaders AWFFI, WEP AIDS & Gender… Land Nurses Teachers Supplies... End of Hunger and Poverty (MDGs) in rural areas Epicenter Sub- Committees run programs in each sector
India Panchayati Raj Campaign SHGs GSM WLW, FU, NBW Federations SWEEP Advocacy w Partners, NPPD End of Hunger and Poverty (MDGs) in rural areas Make Panchayat Programs Strong and Effective
Bangladesh UP-based strategy VCA, Animators, YEH Women Leaders Girl Child Forum Shujan UPSGAG End of Hunger and Poverty (MDGs) in rural areas Mass action campaigns and effective UP programs
Mexico Decentralized Strategy VCA, Animators Women’s Enterprises People & gov’t staff in one team End of Hunger and Poverty (MDGs) in rural areas Community Development Plans