Ethical Issues Faculty of Education Professor Mike Bottery
What are ethical issues? There are many theories of ethics Basically, however, this is the area of study concerned with rules of acceptable conduct It’s about the kind of conduct needed in dealing with data, projects, people, research when working in the faculty The faculty has some strong guidance in this area in the form of a booklet ‘Ethical Principles, Guidelines and Procedures’. Find a copy at: eBridge ‘FoE PG Research Students 15/16’ Faculty of Education Research WEBPAGE
Why have a code of ethics? It makes you aware of sensitive areas of education It prepares you for dealing with the ethically unexpected It prevents cases of litigation It’s a good planning and organising tool It’s really just about how you should treat other people It makes you aware of your obligations to your subjects/partners in projects and research It prevents you facing disciplinary procedures, or even dismissal from your programme
Potential sources of ethical problems The nature of the research project (ethnic differences in intelligence?) The context of the research (in a prison setting? In a school?) The nature of the procedures to be adopted (pretending to be doing one thing while doing another?) The consequences of using procedures (asking personal questions leads to the subject being upset?) The nature of the participants (young children?) The type of data collected (highly personal or sensitive?) The use of data (published in a newspaper?)
Any problems? I’ll get the head teacher to ask the staff to fill in the questionnaires at the next staff meeting. I wonder what effect it would have on future performance if I told them they had done well/badly when they hadn’t? I must let Katy know what Jack said about his childhood in his interview! I’ll just keep reporting that 30% of schools are doing badly; that will deflect attention from 70% doing well. That writer says it so much better than me; I think I’ll use her words.
Seven major ethical issues in conducting projects and research Free consent – have they freely agreed to take part in your research? Informed consent – do they really know what it is about? Deceptive research – do they think they’re doing something different? Problems of privacy – are you intruding into private sensitive matters? Problems of confidentiality – will others know what has been said, even though you promised that this wouldn’t happen? Problems of anonymity – will others be able to find out who has taken part? The abuse of data – are you claiming something that isn’t in the data? Are you claiming something that isn’t yours? Are you using other people’s work?
The FoE Ethics booklet What it’s trying to do… How the system works – the flowchart Research/projects – the proforma Consent letters The main reason for the committee sending a proposal back? Any questions? The Faculty of Education Research Integrity and Ethics Ethical Principles, Guidelines and Procedures for Research and Teaching September 2015
A flow chart of ethical consideration for research in the Faculty of Education
Where to find help (1) Administrative advice Programme/Provision Programme Administrator Research Degrees Janet Masters Provision Jess BA Education & Care Beth BA Chips Vicky BA Education Suite Nikki BA E&L Helen FD Childhood Studies Lisa (2) Academic advice Programme/Provision Ethics Committee Member/Representative Research Degrees Fiona Masters Provision Rania BA Education & Care Jayne BA Chips Sharron BA Education Suite Jo Traunter/Tricia Shaw BA E&L Sarah FD Childhood Studies Jayne