Brain Based Teaching Approach Dr. Salmiza Saleh
What is Brain Based Teaching Approach? Brain Based Teaching Approach is a strategy implemented based on the Brain Based Learning Principles developed by Caine & Caine (1991, 2005), Jensen (1996) and Sousa (1995) through related brain research. It was designed in such a way so that it will be compatible to the structure, tendency and optimum function of the human brain, to ensure the effectiveness of the individual learning process (Caine & Caine 1991, 2005; Jensen 1996; Sousa 1995).
Although all teaching processes essentially are brain based, compared to other methods, the Brain Based Teaching Approach is a strategy specifically created to value the true potential of the brain in a learning process (Caine & Caine 1991). Unlike traditional methods, this approach is based on the theory that everybody keeps on learning, as long as human brain is not prohibited from undergoing its routine processes (Caine & Caine 1991; Jensen 1996). The assumption is made based on the fact that the human brain is an organ of extremely high potential and that every student is able to learn effectively, if their brain is given the opportunity to function in an optimum manner. Children of all learning styles will benefit from this kind of teaching approach.
Introduction The Brain Based Teaching Approach advocates three instructional techniques: Orchestrated Immersion creates a learning environment that fully immerses students in many educational experiences; Relaxed Alertness eliminates fear in the learners while maintaining highly challenging environments; and, Active Processing allows the learner to consolidate and internalize information by actively processing it (Caine & Caine, 1991). The integration of these learning optimum state elements is believed to be able to fulfill various learning requirements whilst fostering interest among students. Based on these characteristics, the Brain Based Teaching Approach is expected to be a new breakthrough in dealing with the issues related to students’ learning.
Introduction Brain Based Learning Principles (Caine & Caine 1991, 2005; Jensen 1996; Sousa 1995) Relaxed Alertness – emotional climate The brain learns best in its optimal state The brain’s bio-cognitive cycle influences the learning process Emotions are critical to the brain’s patterning process Learning is enhanced by challenge and inhibited by threat. Positive climate stimulates brain function Appropriate environment, music and aroma excite brain activity
Introduction Orchestrated Immersion – instruction The brain is unique and is a parallel processor (able to perform several activities at the same time). Search for meaning comes through brain patterning process. The brain processor works in wholes and parts simultaneously Complex and active experiences involving movements stimulate the brain development Learning engages the whole physiology Introduction
Active Processing – strengthening Learning involves both focused attention and peripheral perception Learning involves both conscious and unconscious processes Learning always takes place in two memory approaches - to retain facts, skills and procedures; and/or making sense of experience The brain can easily grasp and remember facts and skills embedded in its memory space.
Implementation of Brain Based Teaching Approach Via three stages of brain processor: Before Pre-processor : Preparation phase – preparation of students and environment for optimum learning Pre-processor, processor and post-processor : The process of teaching and learning in classroom situation focusing in optimum brain function. After post-processor : Continuous learning strategy for retention.
Before Pre-processor (1) Preparing students for learning situation Teach them about their brain and it’s function Help them determine their objective learning Make them realize the importance of sleeping and resting Remind them the influence of appropriate diet towards their behavior Remind them the importance of water in their body Help them understand the concept of learning style Help them to always control their emotion Help them to learn effectively Pre-visualize the upcoming lesson to help them focusing their brain
Before Pre-processor (2) Prepare optimum classroom environment Prepare appropriate classroom environment Decorate classroom with the greenish plant to stimulate oxygen circulation Decorate classroom with appropriate words and notes Use appropriate aroma Ensure the appropriate lightening and temperature
Pre-processor, processor and post-processor Via seven brain compatible instructional phases (Sousa 1995; Smith 2003): Pre-processor Activation; Clarification of the outcome and painting the big picture of the lesson; Processor Making the connection; Doing the learning activity; Demonstration of student understanding; Post-processor Review of student recall and retention / Closure; and Previewing the new topic. Optimal learning state is the main feature of this approach.
After Post-processor Learning strategy to: Strengthen students’ understanding and retention Must be done continuously after the teaching and learning process Including activities such as: Topical test Conceptual understanding test Drilling Quizzes
The Importance of Brain Based Teaching Approach Able to deal with the issue of students’ diversity and learning styles Help students learn effectively Stimulate students’ interest and motivation Help students achieve their optimum potential Students feel appreciated
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